Chapter 49

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After Kaownah got arrested, I went back to my studio and got back to work. It felt good to know that he was finally in jail, facing the consequences of what he did.

But I had made a promise to myself that if the case closed, I'd fade away from Becky's life. So, I stuck to that promise. I didn't reach out to her, didn't check up on how she was doing – after all, I wasn't her client anymore, just an old acquaintance.

"Hey, are you still not opening the gift she sent you?" Nam's voice came through the phone. "What's stopping you? Maybe there's a letter or something inside."

"Becky never really liked writing letters. Back when we were kids, she used to grumble about finding letters hidden in books," I replied.

"But people change, Freen. She's grown up now. Maybe her perspective on that has changed, just like how you changed from being homophobic," Nam teased.

"I've told you, I was never homophobic!" I protested. "I don't even know how that idea got in my head, but I guess my mom might have had a hand in it."

"Ah, the classic mommy issues," Nam chuckled. "Anyway, open the gift already. And give me the details. I've got to cook dinner."

Nam hung up, leaving me with a sigh. I decided to head to my room and take a look at the box Becky had sent. Giving it a gentle shake, I held it up to my ear, trying to guess its contents.

Finally, I gave in and opened the box. Inside, there was a ring box. Engraved on it was a single word – "Freen." If I remembered correctly, this was the same ring Becky used to wear. Was this some sort of couple ring?

Digging further into the box, I found a letter. It was quite long, but I managed to read it. I could recognize her handwriting immediately.

Dear Freen,

You must be wondering why I'm being kind to you after everything that happened. I understand that you feel guilty and blame yourself for hurting me. I know more than you might think, and I want to know even more.

I love you, Freen. It doesn't matter if you don't feel the same way about me. My feelings started long ago, the moment I saw the real you. You're the most wonderful person I've ever met, and to me, you're incredible.

I realize that now might not be the best time for us. Society isn't always accepting of love like ours. I understand that you're scared to show your true emotions for me, and I get it.

I want us to be together forever, but every day is a struggle. So, I'm asking you, please, in the future, fight for me. I don't want to be the only one fighting for our love.

Freen, let's meet at the library from our childhood. Remember? The place we used to go to? Meet me there if you're willing to give us a chance and fight for what we have. I'll be there, waiting for you, every single day.

I know it's a lot to ask, but when you realize that we're meant to be, please come there. I'm ready to start anew, as long as you're there. I won't ever leave.

With all my heart,

Tears welled up as I read her words. Without a second thought, I grabbed my jacket and made my way to the library. It was an old place, still standing strong, although it wasn't public anymore. The sign said it all – she had bought it.

Armstrong Haven.

I stepped inside, and there she was, sitting by the window. It looked like she was waiting for someone. I managed a faint smile and started to approach her when I saw Friend walking towards her. They exchanged smiles, and I don't know why, but a sudden chill ran down my spine.

The letter was from five years ago. And now, standing here, it felt like the person she was waiting for...

might not be me anymore.

a/n: I'll stop here, I'll rest for a while haha.

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