Chapter 45

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I received another threat, but this time, it came with a gift. I was too scared to open it, fearing what might be inside.

The gift was a black box tied with a red ribbon and a card. The message on the card read, 'Asking for help was a mistake. I won't let you have peace.'

I didn't reach out to Nam since I knew she was busy as well. So, I decided to contact Nat and share all the details. Unfortunately, I forgot that he wasn't the one handling my case.

It was actually Becky—

But I was unsure how to get in touch with her because she hadn't given me her contact information. Should I ask Nat for it?

"You don't have Becky's contact?" he inquired. "But she hasn't changed it."

I was surprised for a moment. "Oh, I deleted it," I lied.

"Ah," he mumbled. "Why don't you come over to the cafe here and wait for her? She'll be at the law firm soon."

"Alright, I'll head there."

I went to the cafe near Uareksit Law Firm and took a seat by the window, so I could spot Becky if she arrived.

As I waited, someone sat down across from me, flashing a big smile. I recognized this guy; I had met him before.

"You're as beautiful as ever," he complimented, extending his hand. "I'm Kaownah. Remember me?"

I shook my head. "I don't know anyone named Kaownah," I replied. "Did you attend Empyrean Hall University?"

Kaownah smiled and nodded. "Yep, that's me. We used to date, actually."

We used to date, but I couldn't remember his name. That's odd.

"I'm sorry, though. I was pretty distant back then," he said with a sigh, looking into my eyes. "How have you been?"

"I'm not sure," I responded. "But honestly, I can't recall us dating before. Can you remind me when and why?"

Kaownah chuckled and shook his head. "Come on, Freen. I was in the Business Studies Department. I was the first guy you brought to your dorm room."

Oh, he's the one who messed with my doorknob and barged in without asking while I was changing.

I remembered that day. When Becky knocked repeatedly, I lied that I had invited him over, even though he was the only one causing trouble. That's why I didn't want to stay in the dorms anymore.

Wait, could he also be my stalker?

Seeing a car stop by the law firm, I turned my gaze there. It was Becky and someone else, Friend, getting out of the car.

Friend messed up Becky's hair, and Becky shot her an annoyed look. Friend just laughed and gestured for Becky to enter the law firm.

I stood there watching from a distance. Maybe Becky had found solace in her. As much as I wanted to step in, I didn't want to act immaturely. I didn't want to ruin their relationship. So, once this case was over, I planned to disappear.

"I need to meet the lawyer I'm waiting for. Excuse me," I said, ready to leave, but Kaownah grabbed my hand.

"I'll see you soon, Freen," he said, giving me a slightly eerie smile.


I entered Becky's office and told her about the threatening box. She looked at me with concern and sighed. She wanted to see the box, but I had left it at my studio, so she decided to come with me.

"Is this it?" she asked. "We should involve the police. These letters are not from an ordinary stalker." Becky's gaze swept across the room and landed on the painting I had done yesterday.

Oh no, it was a portrait of her!

As I moved to cover it up, she scoffed and shook her head upon seeing it.

She probably thought I was being petty by painting her after all this time.

Becky's phone buzzed, and she quickly answered it. I looked away, allowing her some privacy, but I could still hear her side of the conversation.

"Yes, I'm at my client's studio... I'll head to the police station afterward... Yes, I'll meet you there later. Okay, bye." Judging by her tone, it was likely Friend on the other end.

Becky turned back to me and let out a sigh. "This is serious, Ms. Chankimha. You need security. These letters are more than just a simple stalker's doings. The sender seems obsessed with you."

I furrowed my brow. Who could possibly be obsessed with me? I didn't have many good qualities, aside from being my family's business heir. But if they were after money, they'd just try to blackmail me.

"Isn't hiring security a bit extreme?" I questioned.

"If you want to stay alive, hiring bodyguards isn't excessive. If you're okay with risking your life, then go ahead and stop wasting my precious time," Becky said before walking out of the studio.

I didn't attempt to follow her. I didn't want to chase after her.

She is Homophobic || FreenBecky [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now