Chapter 18

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Freen always had my back when she had some free time. She'd swing by the library to keep me company while I read.

"What book are you after?" she'd ask, catching me reaching for something.

I pointed to a book on the top shelf, and she scrunched her eyebrows before handing it to me. I stashed it in my bag without even cracking it open, eager to head back to my room where she wasn't allowed.

Irin helped me back to our room, and we said goodbye to Freen. It always felt a bit sad leaving her behind, standing there watching as I walked away.

"Did Freen have friends in high school?" I inquired of Irin.

"I'm not sure. I've heard she's a loner. Some students wanted to be friends with her, but it seems she wasn't into it," Irin replied as she helped me settle in.

I nodded and pulled out the book Freen had fetched for me earlier. When I opened it, my eyes widened at the content. Checking the cover, I realized this wasn't the book I had in mind.

"Seriously?!" I blurted out in frustration, messing up my hair. Was that why Freen looked puzzled earlier?

"What in the world are you reading?" Irin burst into laughter, peering at the book closely. "Didn't know you were into steamy novels." She waggled her eyebrows and playfully nudged me.

My face turned beet red at the thought that Freen might get the wrong idea. I mean, why on earth would there be an erotic novel in the library? Someone must be trying to prank the law students. Ugh.

"Why the tomato face?" Irin laughed again. "Don't worry, I get it. You're growing up, with, you know, needs." She cupped my cheeks and burst into laughter once more.

I stuffed the book back into my bag and tugged at my hair in sheer frustration. This is beyond embarrassing!

"I wasn't trying to read that. You've got it all wrong!" I insisted to Irin, but she just nodded, barely believing me.

Alright, I'll wait until class is done and then report this to the librarian.


I headed to the library to report the misplaced book I'd seen on the law books shelf. The librarian assured me she'd look into it, so that put my mind at ease. Returning to the shelf, I finally got my hands on the book I'd originally intended to read.

Sadly, I could only read it in Freen's room now. I hoped she wouldn't start giggling again. I was so tired of hearing her chortles whenever she conversed with that mushroom.

Stepping into the room, I found no trace of Freen. Her classes should've ended by 6 pm, so she should be here. Maybe she hung out outside for a bit or met up with her "boy toy."

After freshening up, I settled at her study table and lost myself in the book. I got so absorbed that I completely forgot about dinner time. I needed to order food since I couldn't handle walking around much anymore.

Just as I was about to dial on my phone, Freen walked in, paper bags in hand. Did she go out to buy food? Why did she look so worn out?

"Where've you been?" I inquired, moving to approach her, but she signaled for me to stay put.

Freen came closer and handed me the paper bag filled with books. I furrowed my brow, checking out the titles. My face turned scarlet once more upon seeing what they were.

Gosh, these are all steamy reads with movie adaptations? "Fifty Shades" and "After"? Oh my word.

"What am I supposed to do with these?" I asked, irritation evident in my voice.

"I thought you were into this kind of stuff," she remarked, taking a sip of water. "These are way more captivating than that other book." Freen wiggled her eyebrows and let out a chuckle.

"Wait, you've read all of these?" I inquired once more.

"Yep, and so what? I'm no longer a kid, Armstrong." Freen rolled her eyes, stepping closer and leaning in to whisper. "And I'm not innocent, in case you were wondering." She chuckled.

I playfully smacked her arm, earning a groan from her. Darn it, my pure ears.

"You might actually enjoy them. The plots are pretty cool, you know? Just skip over the, uh, awkward parts." Freen chuckled again, proceeding to unpack the food she'd brought.

After we'd eaten, Freen cleaned up the dishes and told me to rest up since I had an early start tomorrow. I wasn't entirely sure why, but I guessed some event was happening then.

Lying on my bed, clutching my pillow, I tried to fall asleep, but sleep seemed elusive. I couldn't quite put my finger on what was bothering me, yet my eyes welled up with tears.

Was this normal? I wasn't sad, and I didn't feel hurt, so why were tears coming?

"Are you alright?" Freen inquired, turning to face me. She wiped away my tears with her fingers and sighed softly. "Missing your family, maybe?" she ventured.

"Maybe," I replied, unsure myself.

Freen gazed at the ceiling, a smile playing on her lips. "I thought you were a tough nut, but turns out you shed a tear or two." She chuckled.

"What do you mean by 'tough nut'?" I questioned, brows furrowing.

"I figured you never cried. Even when you were hurting, not a single tear fell. I thought you were emotionless, didn't give a damn about anyone." Freen explained, her eyes on me. "You've changed quite a bit." She offered a small smile.

"You act like you know me," I retorted, rolling my eyes.

"Because I do. But it doesn't really matter now," Freen replied, turning away and drifting off to sleep.

What secrets do you hold about me, Freen? I wish I knew myself better too.

a/n: I'll update again tomorrow. Xoxo.

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