Chapter 7

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It was only five in the morning, and loud knocks relentlessly echoed from my door. Seriously, who would knock this early? Were they here to collect a debt, banging on my door like that?

"What?" I groaned as I opened the door.

To my surprise, Freen was standing there in her pajamas, covered with a robe. Without hesitation, she barged into my room and plopped herself on my bed as if it was her own.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked, placing my hand on my waist.

Freen tossed her robe on the rack and got cozy under my blanket, totally ignoring my question.

"Get out," I insisted, crossing my arms.

But Freen just shook her head and closed her eyes. I snatched the blanket away from her, and she glared at me with a mix of annoyance and rage.

"Get out, Freen. Why are you even in my room?" I asked, feeling exasperated.

"I want to sleep here," she retorted, rolling her eyes, and snatched the blanket back from me.

"Don't you have any other friends?" I tried again, but she shook her head and sat down.

"If I did, I'd crash in their room instead of yours. Can't you be happy that I chose you over everyone else?" she said, almost proudly.

"Even if you were the only person left in this world, I still wouldn't be thrilled to have you around!" I snapped, trying to get her out of my room, but she resisted.

"If I were the only person, you'd be dead too!" she yelled back.

Thank goodness our dorms are soundproof, or else everyone would hear us shouting like this.

"Then get out!" I shouted again, but Freen stubbornly shook her head. She sat on the bed and gave me another intense stare.

"Can you be my tutor again?" she suddenly asked.

Seriously? She disturbed my precious sleep just for this? Does she even realize I barely get four hours of sleep every day because I'm working my butt off?

"That's all? You woke me up at the crack of dawn just to ask that?" I couldn't believe it. "No way, get out."

"Please," she pouted, clasping her hands together and blinking repeatedly.

"You think that's cute?" I rolled my eyes.

"Please, Becky. Your brother is so strict. He wants me to finish everything on time, but I can't because of my extracurriculars. I can't do all the assignments in just an hour or so. Please, be my tutor again. I can't stand him," Freen explained, looking genuinely troubled. "Pretty please?"

I squinted at her and shook my head. "No, get out."

"I'll triple the payment," she offered, but even that didn't sway me. "How about ten times?"

"What?" I couldn't believe my ears. "Are you that desperate to have me back?"

"As if this is the first time I've been desperate," she mumbled.

"Did you say something?" I asked.

"Nothing," she quickly denied. "I'll sleep here for today. Think about my offer," she declared, lying down on the bed.

"Freen Sarocha!" I called out her full name, intending to make her leave, but she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards her, causing me to fall on top of her.

"I didn't know you were this desperate to sleep with me," she teased, patting my cheeks. She playfully pushed me to her side and covered us both with blankets. "Sleep well, Armstrong."

Freen closed her eyes and turned her back to me. I sighed and looked at her.

"I'll accept your offer, but on one condition," I said.

Freen turned around again, her face filled with excitement. She was clearly listening intently, trying to hide her smile. "What?"

"You can't question my credentials, got it? And you have to listen to me as your tutor," I stated.

"Which one is it?" she asked innocently, seemingly torn between the conditions.

"Do you want me to reject your offer altogether?" I threatened.

Freen shook her head and turned away once more.

I bit my lip and turned my back to her too.

I wondered if she's only comfortable with me because she thinks I'm straight. What if she finds out I'm gay? Would she be angry or disgusted?

Minutes passed, and I couldn't stop thinking about it. I've read about homophobic people before, those who don't accept gay individuals because they think they don't belong in this world.

Some even claimed that the Creator only made boys and girls, so being gay is considered a sin.

I couldn't remember when I first felt this way or how I turned out to be gay. I didn't hate who I am, but sometimes I wonder if life would be easier if I weren't gay.

My brother once told me that there's nothing wrong with being gay as long as I don't hurt others.

"Armstrong, are you still awake?" Freen asked gently.

"Yeah," I replied quietly.

"Come closer, I need someone to cuddle with so I can sleep," she requested.

I rolled my eyes and tossed my pillow at her face.

She is Homophobic || FreenBecky [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now