Chapter 16

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I didn't expect Freen would actually stay in the hospital to look after me. She brought us food and even convinced our professor to leave, saying she could handle me.

"Open up." She tried to feed me, but I declined.

"My legs are injured, not my hands. I can eat on my own." I attempted to reach for the food, but she shook her head.

"I already told the professors I'd take care of you until you're better," she said, motioning for me to eat the food she offered.

Feeling hungry, I gave in. Freen smiled as she fed me, and I finished everything.

"Tomorrow, I'll be discharged. You don't have to stay here overnight," I told her.

"I want to stay. I promised the professors I'd look after you," she replied, pulling a chair close to my hospital bed and sitting down. "I can sleep sitting up, you know?"

I remembered the times at university when she managed to sleep while sitting outside the tent.

"But that'll hurt your neck. How about sharing the bed with me?" I suggested, shifting a bit, but she stopped me.

"You shouldn't move like that. Your injuries aren't fully healed, Rebecca!" Freen scolded gently, giving my hand a light tap.

"You're being a bit too protective, Sarocha." I chuckled.

Despite that, Freen didn't lie down next to me. She remained seated on the chair, engrossed in her phone. I noticed her giggling quite a bit, making me feel a twinge of envy momentarily.

Jealous? Well, not really. That's a strong word. And I, Rebecca Patricia Armstrong, don't get jealous.

"If you're going to keep giggling, you can step outside for a while. I can't sleep," I said, closing my eyes.

I expected Freen to stop giggling, but she actually got up and left the room. She must be chatting with someone again. I thought she was here to take care of me?

After some time, Freen hadn't returned yet. I needed to use the bathroom, but my ability to stand was limited. I tried anyway, not wanting to wet the bed – that would be gross.

The fracture wasn't too severe, but the doctor advised a couple of weeks of rest. I could go to school, but I'd need help walking or I'd have to use a wheelchair.

I entered the bathroom and managed to take care of things just as I heard someone come into the room. It had to be Freen; she must have finished her conversation.

After washing up, I stepped out, but Freen was nowhere to be seen. I furrowed my brows. Didn't she come back in?

I brushed off the thought and settled back onto my bed. Suddenly, the door opened again, revealing Freen accompanied by two nurses.

"She's here, Ms. Chankimha," the blonde-haired nurse announced, pointing at me.

"You gave us a bit of a scare, Ms. Chankimha. We'll leave now so you two can rest," the other nurse said before exiting.

I glanced at Freen, puzzled, and she immediately embraced me, causing me to let out a small groan.

"I thought something happened to you," she said while hugging me.

"I just went to the bathroom, you dork!" I gently pushed her away, her hug a bit too tight for comfort.

Freen released her grip and nodded. She returned to her chair and put away her phone. With a gesture, she signaled for me to get some sleep while she took over.

True to her word, she really stayed awake until I drifted off.


Morning arrived, and I saw Freen sleeping while sitting. She used her arms as pillows, and her current state couldn't help but make me smile.

Imagine, the daughter of the wealthiest family sleeping like this. I had to suppress a chuckle. I grabbed my phone and tried to take a picture of her, but the camera flash went off.

Idiotic move. How did I not notice that the flash was on?

"You want a snapshot of me sleeping?" she asked, her eyes now open. "Fine, just make it quick." With a mock yawn, she closed her eyes again, pretending to be asleep.

"Knock it off. I'm hungry," I stated, rolling my eyes.

Freen stretched her body and got up. She leaned in and gave me a kiss on the forehead before telling me to wait for her. This action left me slightly bewildered.

Why did she kiss me? Ugh.

A few minutes after Freen left, someone else entered the room. It was Richie. I wasn't sure how he found out, perhaps the school informed him.

"Why are you here?" he inquired.

"I should be asking you that," I retorted, rolling my eyes. "I don't need you here. Go back to your mansion."

"I'm not here to chauffeur you. I just wanted to know what happened." He sighed, taking a seat where Freen usually sat. "Are your feet better now? Do you know who did this to you?"

"There you go again, acting like someone's out to get me. Geez." I sighed, motioning for him to leave, but he didn't budge.

"As your brother, I'm concerned. I've told you, you don't need to work. If it's about money, I can provide for you." He attempted to persuade me, but I stood firm.

"And I've told you countless times, I won't take money from you or our parents, no matter what you say." I crossed my arms.

"Are you still feeling guilty about the expenses after that incident? Come on, Rebecca, it's been ages. They're our parents – they'd spend more than that if necessary." Richie explained, but I maintained a deadpan expression.

"I'm not going home, Richie. I'll stay until I graduate. Got it? If you bother me again, I'll vanish forever." I warned.

Richie sighed and nodded. "Alright. But if you ever really need us, don't hesitate to call, alright?" he requested.

"Fine. For your peace of mind." I rolled my eyes.

As Richie leaned in for a forehead kiss, I pulled away. Freen had just kissed me there, and it'd be weird if Richie did too.

"What's with the sudden aversion to me?" He raised an eyebrow, chuckling.

"It's not an aversion. I'm just avoiding your imaginary virus." I smirked. "Now go home. I can manage."

"Uh-huh, sure. I saw Freen a little while ago. I bet she's looking after you." Richie teased me. "You know you have a thing for her, right?" He wiggled his eyebrows playfully.

"Absolutely not." I grabbed the empty plastic bottle next to me and tossed it at him. "Get out of here!"

"Alright, alright." He surrendered, still laughing. "But seriously, don't fall for her, Becky. You promised her just friendship." Richie chuckled as he left the room.

Promised her a friendship? When was that?

That guy's making up stories again.

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