Chapter 2

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After that day in the office, I never saw Freen again. Even though we ended up at the same university, we chose different departments. She pursued Fine Arts, while I went for Law.

"Hey, genius." Irin greeted, plopping down beside me while I was immersed in a book. "I heard you're on the list for the cheerleading audition today?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'll head to the gymnasium later. They said they'd send someone to let me know when it's time. Aren't you coming?" I asked.

Irin and I became close when we realized we were in the same class in some subjects. She didn't pass when she applied Bachelor of Law and they told her to take pre-law courses first.

She wanted to forget Freen's existence but everywhere we went, people kept talking about Freen's career choices. Some thought she should take a business course due to her family's business, while others believed she was already smart enough to handle it without taking any specific courses.

"Yeah, but I'm still undecided," Irin said, leaning back on her chair. "Freen will be there, and I'm not sure if we should go." She shook her head, looking a bit uneasy.

"Why? Are you afraid of her?" I asked, closing the book.

"Of course not!" She exclaimed. "It's just... being around her feels suffocating. I'd rather not go." She rolled her eyes.

"Then let's go together if you're not scared," I suggested, pulling her hand. But she immediately shook her head, indicating that she didn't want to go.

"Excuse me, is this room 205? Are Ms. Armstrong and Ms. Malaiwong here?" a girl asked, and we both turned to her. "Are you Ms. Armstrong and Ms. Malaiwong?" she clarified.

"Yes," I replied. "I am Miss Armstrong." I gave Irin a little nudge, coaxing her to stand up.

"I don't want to go, Becky," Irin pleaded, begging me not to make her, but I just smirked at her. "Such a bully," she whispered, reluctantly following me.


When we arrived at the gymnasium, the bleachers were packed with people waiting to be called. Freen and her friends were sitting at the center. They had reserved only half the court for the audition today.

Freen grabbed the microphone when the gymnasium buzzed with the voices of different students.

"We'll start the audition in 5 minutes. Please take your seats, and everyone will be called. Thank you," she announced, leaning back in her chair.

The two girls beside her were busy checking the contents of a folder, while Freen casually observed her surroundings.

Seriously, what was she doing there? It seemed like she wasn't helping at all.

The audition began, and Freen rejected most of the students based on their looks. She seemed to want someone flawless, beautiful, and graceful.

"Does cheerleading really require having a beautiful face?" Irin asked in annoyance. "Out of 200 students, she has only accepted 10% so far."

"Why do you sound so frustrated? Are you worried you won't be chosen?" I asked, chuckling.

"You know what, Becky? You're always teasing me. I'm your only friend here!" She pouted and crossed her arms over her chest.

"And I'm your only friend too, okay? So let's give this audition a shot, shall we?" I said, extending my hand.

Irin accepted my hand, and together we stepped forward to perform in front of the judges.

The moment Freen saw me, she immediately smiled and sat up, seemingly intrigued by my movements.

"My name's Becky Armstrong, from the Law Department," I introduced myself, and the girls chuckled.

"Why did you audition? Aren't you supposed to study later?" the girl beside Freen asked, laughing.

I raised an eyebrow and smirked. "I can study later. I'm flexible, you know? I can stay fit, smart, and beautiful all at the same time. How about you? How are your grades?" I teased.

The girl was taken aback, and Freen chuckled at my response.

"Enough chitchat. Show me what you've got, Armstrong," Freen motioned for me to start dancing, and so I did, showing off my moves.

Freen seemed amazed by my performance and couldn't help but clap after I finished. However, she tilted her head, seeming lost in thought.

"But I've seen those moves before. Can you do something I've never seen before?" she challenged.

I walked towards her and, using my index finger, motioned for her to come closer. When she did, I surprised everyone by kissing her forehead, causing audible gasps from the audience.

"No one has kissed you before, right?" I asked, trying to maintain an air of confidence, before turning my back and returning to my seat.

The crowd cheered for me, but that was the moment Freen got really mad at me.

After that, she started to hate me. And if you're wondering whether I passed the audition? It's quite obvious.

I didn't.

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