Chapter 30

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We're hanging out in the cafeteria now, along with Irin. It's kind of awkward because Irin doesn't really vibe with Freen's energy. When I asked why, she said Freen's personality is a bit overwhelming.

"I'm sorry if I ever did something to bother you," Freen apologized, giving a little bow to Irin.

"Nah, it's cool. You didn't really do anything wrong. I guess I fell for those rumors about you," Irin said with an awkward chuckle.

"Rumors? Like the whole 'I'm so self-centered' thing? And that I'm clueless about treating people right?" Freen grinned and chuckled. "Don't sweat it. I'm not like that. Well, it depends on how people treat me."

We headed to the food counter to order, and when it was my turn, Freen surprised me by ordering for me. She even swapped out my milk tea for a bottle of water.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as I got my food.

"Come on, Becca. You're practically chugging down that tea twice a day. I've noticed," she scolded me, making me roll my eyes. "Quit with the eye-rolling." Freen playfully pinched my waist, and I couldn't help but chuckle.

As we sat down, Freen opened the bottle of water for me, and I noticed Irin's eyes widening at the gesture.

"What's up? Want me to open yours too?" Freen asked, playfully reaching for Irin's bottle, but I intervened.

"She's a capable, independent lady. She's got this," I told Freen, giving Irin a pointed look.

"You're pretty independent too, aren't you?" Freen teased.

Leaning in closer, I whispered, "Yeah, but I turn into a total softy around you."

Freen laughed and shook her head, while Irin rolled her eyes and continued eating.

After lunch, Freen bid us farewell because she had classes. Irin and I headed to my room to continue working on our thesis.

"I don't want to mess with your head, but what if Freen actually likes you?" Irin asked with a mischievous grin.

I shot her a glare, not impressed with her wild theories. Freen liking me? Yeah, right. She's clearly not a fan of anything LGBTQ+ related.

"Quit with the daydreaming," I retorted, handing her a book. "Here, read this. It's got some useful info for our thesis."

"But 'delulu' is where the fun is, and maybe one day your dream becomes a 'trululu'," Irin burst into laughter, leaving me cringing at her cheesy humor.

"Can you please tell a real joke?" I groaned and shook my head.

"Alright, listen up." Irin cleared her throat.

"What is it?" I asked, still busy scribbling in my notebook.

"Freen." She smirked.

I furrowed my brow. "I don't get it."

"Exactly!" Irin burst into laughter again.

It took a moment, but I finally caught on and grabbed her arm, dragging her out of my dorm.

"Becca! Open the door!" Irin pounded on the door, but I popped in my earbuds to drown out her pleas.

If I'm not getting any answers about Freen, then Irin's not getting any thesis info from me either.


Later that evening, unable to sleep, I found myself on the rooftop. Thanks a lot, Irin, for planting those ridiculous thoughts in my head.

I spotted Freen there, lost in thought as she stared at the moon. Carefully, I approached her without her noticing.

Just then, Freen's phone buzzed. "Mushroom" was calling, but she declined it. Oddly, it made me grin.

I grabbed my phone and dialed her number, watching her eagerly pick up.

"Look behind you," I whispered.

Freen turned around and her face lit up as she ended the call, rushing over to me and embracing me tightly.

Why does it feel like she missed me even though we saw each other earlier today?

"What's eating at you?" I asked gently.

"Eh, nothing much. I just find myself missing you whenever I gaze at the moon," Freen admitted, motioning for me to sit on a nearby folding chair.

"Who knew they had folding chairs up here?" I mused.

"Beats me. They magically appeared a little while ago," Freen chuckled, leaning back in her chair and looking back up at the moon.

"Why are you out here?" I inquired.

"Too much studying and deadlines to meet. I'd rather take a breather than stress myself out to the max," she replied, a small smile playing on her lips.

"Sounds like you're having a tough time with your studies," I said, chuckling.

"Studying is just short for 'student dying.' But I brought this upon myself by picking this program," Freen laughed, locking eyes with me. "You, on the other hand, always seem so chill. Law is no walk in the park."

"College is a breeze when you're surrounded by the right crew. No cutthroat competition, just a healthy bond," I advised.

Suddenly, rain began to pour, but Freen didn't move from her seat. In fact, she grinned and let the raindrops wash over her.

I could tell she's carrying something heavy on her shoulders. Maybe she's just not ready to share it yet.

I shielded her eyes from the raindrops with my hand, and she gazed at me, curious. I offered a smile before extending my hands over her head, even though she was already getting wet. I just wanted to show her that I care, regardless of how stormy things might be. My feelings for her aren't based on her looks; I'm here for her, rain or shine.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"I'm being your human umbrella," I grinned.

"Thanks," she murmured, sighing. "But I don't need an umbrella."


"I need you, Becca. You don't have to do anything special. Let me take care of you while I still can. Your presence is enough to make things better," she said, playfully ruffling my hair and gesturing for me to sit beside her.

Since the chair was designed for one, I plopped myself onto her lap. We both ended up drenched in rain. Freen wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Am I too heavy?" I worried.

"Nah," she replied. "Just perfect. You're always enough."

She is Homophobic || FreenBecky [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now