Chapter 39

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After Freen hung up the phone, I decided to step outside for some fresh air. I wanted to clear my mind, but then I spotted Nat walking by, and that took me by surprise.

Seriously, it seemed like he was always around whenever I was outside. What was he doing out in the middle of the night? Acting like a vampire or something?

Since the girls' dormitory was closer to the library, most students had to pass by the building to get there. Maybe Nat was headed to the library tonight.

I quietly followed him without him noticing, and I couldn't help but chuckle when I saw him engrossed in reading books. He seemed a bit frustrated, probably struggling to understand some articles and sections.

"The heck?" he exclaimed, closing the book with a frustrated sigh, which made me chuckle. Nat glanced at me and jumped in surprise. "Becky?" he asked.

"Nope, more like your worst nightmare," I chuckled, taking a seat beside him to see what he was reading. "Having trouble with this?" I asked.

Nat sighed and nodded his head. Since I was bored, I decided to give him a quick lesson, and before we knew it, time had slipped away.

"Wow, it's already morning," I mentioned when I noticed the light outside through the library window.

"Yep, we got lost in the world of law books," Nat laughed, closing the book and gazing out at the sky. "Hey, are you busy this weekend?"

"Why do you ask?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I want you to meet Friend," Nat said with a smile.

"Meet your friend?" I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"Yeah, her name is actually Friend," Nat chuckled as he realized how odd that sounded. I couldn't help but wonder if lack of sleep was affecting him or something.

"You're kidding, right?" I rolled my eyes.

"I swear, her name is Friend," Nat laughed, pulling out his phone to show me his friend's social media account. "Look," he said.

Friend seemed like a simple person who was really into music. Her pictures showed her passion for it. She also had this cool and somewhat masculine vibe.

"You won't believe this, but Seng asked her out and got turned down," Nat mentioned. "So he went and used his influence to get engaged to Freen. He can't use that power on Friend because, you know, she's the rebel in their family. She's not into that whole forced thing," Nat explained.

"Wait, are Seng and Freen actually getting married?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah, I think everyone knows?" Nat replied. "Aren't you following Seng on social media? He's always posting pictures of him and Freen together."

"And Freen is okay with that?" I questioned.

Nat shrugged. "I heard Freen isn't into social media stuff. Maybe she's unaware. But seriously, it's pretty obvious they're dating." He sighed and scrolled through more pictures. "See how cute they look."

Nat showed me a bunch of pictures where they seemed so in love. The smiles on their faces looked genuinely happy, as if they were head over heels for each other. It hurt to see those pictures.

Freen wasn't dumb enough to hide this from me. She wasn't stupid enough to let me catch her cheating.

There must be a reason. I decided I'd wait to hear her side of the story.

"Enough with the show," I told Nat, standing up.

He followed suit. "I didn't mean to upset you. Sorry."

"Just don't bring them up again, okay?" I said firmly, and he nodded.

"Can I ask one more thing though?" Nat hesitated. "What's your relationship with Freen? Why are you always together?"

His question caught me off guard. Was Freen really my girlfriend? Did she make it official? We had kissed and said sweet things to each other, but did that mean we were official? She acted like we were a couple.

"I'm not sure either," I admitted and walked away.


"I'm worried about you, Becky," Irin's voice came through the phone.

"Worried about what?" I asked absentmindedly, engrossed in reading while Irin rambled on about Freen.

"I mean, I kind of liked Freen when I saw her taking care of you, but I have this weird feeling that she's using you," Irin sighed, making me look up from my book.

"What do you mean?" I inquired.

"I heard that next year there's going to be a pride month celebration, and if you become the host, a lot of investors might be interested in your family's business or something like that. Do you get what I'm saying?" Irin explained.

"So you're saying Freen just wants to be close to me so she can benefit from being the event host?" I questioned.

The Freen I knew wouldn't do that. But did I really know her?

"I don't know for sure, Becky. It might be a good idea to talk to Freen directly," Irin suggested before saying her goodbyes due to her busy schedule, leaving me in the dark once again.

Was Freen using me to get close to Seng and get the role of the event host? Was she planning to deceive everyone for those investments?

I tried calling Freen, but once again, she didn't pick up. Doubts started to creep in, as if she was deliberately avoiding me to keep me in the dark.

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