Chapter 29

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After my talk with Freen, I felt like I needed some space from her. She called me multiple times, but I didn't pick up. I made excuses, saying I was busy.

I spotted her in the library, cafe, and gym, but I pretended not to notice her. Every time she was around, I dodged her. I wasn't exactly sure why, but I knew I had to move on.

Maybe everything happened for a reason. I had to revert to being the old me, the tough and distant Becky who kept people at arm's length.

"Freen was looking for you a little while ago. I told her you were swamped with our case digest," Irin informed me, and I thanked her. "How long are you planning to keep avoiding her?"

She settled into the extra chair in my dorm. Actually, she'd bought it for herself so she could study with me in my room.

"Until my heart decides to stop caring about her," I murmured softly, focusing on my fact sheet.

Irin chuckled. "You think it's that easy to just stop loving someone?"

"I'll give it a shot," I replied, causing her to burst into laughter. "Why are you laughing?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You're quite the innocent one, Becca. You're smart, but when it comes to this stuff, you're a bit clueless," Irin laughed again, clutching her stomach.

"Well, I won't be asking for your advice on relationships, that's for sure," I sighed.

"Fair enough, my bad. Sorry," Irin chuckled awkwardly and scratched her head. "Let me try to explain."

I waited for Irin to gather her thoughts, but she fell into an awkward silence. Glancing at my wristwatch, I sighed when I realized she was struggling to put it into words.

As far as I knew, Irin hadn't fallen for anyone in the three years we'd been friends. So, she probably wasn't the best source of guidance on this topic either.

"It's okay. Don't force it if you're not sure," I said, rolling my eyes. I stood up and went over to my bed, burying my face in the pillow.

"I know what to say, but I'm not sure you'll like it," Irin finally spoke up, letting out a sigh.

Confused, I furrowed my brows and looked at her. "Well, now I'm intrigued. Tell me."

"If you want to move on, you should consider telling Freen how you feel. What if she feels the same way? What if she cares about you too? But if she doesn't, then that's a sign you should respect her decision. If she can't return your feelings, she'll understand why you've been distant. And perhaps she'll start keeping her distance too," Irin explained, lowering her gaze. "But you know Freen is uncomfortable with LGBTQ+ feelings, Becky. You're well aware of the potential fallout."

Her words hit me. I realized I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. If I confessed, she might push me away. If I kept avoiding her without explanation, she might start doubting herself. Either way, I risked damaging our bond.

"Does that make sense?" Irin asked, fidgeting with her fingers.

"Yeah, I get it. And I'll talk to her about everything tonight," I declared, standing up.

"Wait, tonight?" Irin tried to block my path, but I managed to slip away, leaving her no choice but to let me go.

I wasn't a coward. I knew this moment would come, and I had to tell Freen about my feelings. I couldn't keep sitting there, pretending we were just friends. I had to speak up before that mushroom guy—

My heart skipped a beat when I spotted Seng in front of Freen's dorm. They were engaged in conversation, and Freen seemed genuinely happy. He whispered something to her, and she burst into laughter.

There was definitely something going on between them. I was about to turn away when Freen called my name.

"Becky?" she called out, causing me to face her again. Freen greeted me with a wide smile and rushed over to give me a tight hug. "Oh my gosh, I've missed you so much! You have no idea how lonely I've been without you."

You don't seem lonely at all, Freen. You're having a great time with Fungi. I saw it, I reminded myself.

"By the way, Seng is heading back to his room. So, it's just you and me now. I'm feeling much better," she declared, playfully pushing the guy away.

Freen ushered me into her room and offered me some food, but I declined, opting for silence instead.

"Why have you been avoiding me lately?" Freen asked, taking a seat next to me on her bed. "Did I do something wrong?"

"Nothing like that," I replied. "I've just been feeling a bit confused."

"Confused about what? About my friendship with him? He's the son of my parents' business partner. It's my responsibility to talk to him and be polite. There's nothing romantic between us," Freen reassured me. "And if I ever start dating someone, you'll be the first to know. Okay?" She grinned and tousled my hair.

Freen pulled me into a side hug, resting her head on my shoulder.

"Actually, I wanted to talk about something else," I sighed, and Freen turned her gaze to me with a quizzical expression.

"What's on your mind?" she inquired.

My heart raced, like it was in a marathon. I probably should cut back on the coffee and milk tea. Not good for my heart.

I wanted to say it, to confess that I liked her, but the potential consequences flooded my thoughts. Would she be angry? Would she still accept me?

"I'm..." I began.

"You're?" Freen prompted, waiting.

"I'm crashing here for the night," I blurted out, quickly lying down on her bed and pulling the blanket over me.

I heard Freen chuckling. "Oh, I thought this was leading to something else. Alright then." She patted my thigh twice. "Goodnight, Becca. I'll freshen up and join you in a minute."

Darn it. I just couldn't do it.

She is Homophobic || FreenBecky [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now