Special Chapter 1

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"He died while trying to escape," Friend told me when I asked her about Seng. "He attempted to run, so the police officer had no choice but to shoot."

I wasn't sure if I should feel relieved or sad. Relieved because finally, Freen could live in peace, without the fear of being filmed. And sad, because justice didn't really feel served. He deserved a slower punishment, not like that. I didn't wish for anyone to die, I just wanted him to face consequences.

Mrs. Chankimha admitted her wrongdoing, but I didn't press charges for the incident that happened years ago. She asked for my forgiveness and even pleaded with my parents. Richie wasn't happy with my decision, but they couldn't change it.

I didn't want Freen to wake up without a mother. Even though I was still angry about what her mother did, I didn't want her to suffer.

Day and night, I waited for Freen to wake up. She had been in a coma for three days, and I stayed by her side constantly. I didn't leave her. I didn't want to regret not being there for her again.

"It's a shame. I wanted to be the one to end him," Freen murmured, avoiding eye contact.

I sighed and gave her a stern look. "How many times do I have to tell you not to say those things? You need to avoid stressing yourself."

"If I had known that love could make us feel this way, I should have stopped him from falling deeper," Freen sighed, looking at me. She was still recovering in the hospital bed.

"Not everyone who falls in love goes crazy. It's just that Seng couldn't handle being outdone by Becky, so he acted like that. It's called fragile masculinity," Friend chimed in.

Freen chuckled, and they both exchanged smiles. I furrowed my brow and observed them. When did they become so close? It's as if they're privy to something I'm not aware of.

"True. Love should have its limits. We shouldn't lose ourselves in it. Someday, people will find the love they deserve. If they can't find it in the person they love, then maybe it's not their time to love yet," Freen remarked.

"You're making sense there," Friend agreed. "That's why we get hurt. We tend to fall for people who are out of reach. Instead of forcing ourselves onto them, we should care about their happiness. Letting them go, letting them find happiness with the ones they truly want to be with."

"Why are you guys talking about love?" I interrupted, causing them both to laugh.

"Never mind us, Becky. We know your perspective on love," Friend said, giving my shoulder a pat.

"How?" I inquired, intrigued.

Truth be told, I wasn't entirely sure either. All I knew was that I was falling hard for the person in front of me-Freen. The only girl who could make my heart race. The one who taught me to love without begging for it. The one who showed me that love is worth fighting for.

"You're incredibly loyal, so I'd say you define love as patience. If you can't wait for the person you love, then maybe you don't truly love her. When you genuinely love someone, you'll wait even when there's no guarantee. You'll wait even when it hurts. You'll wait until you convince yourself if taking this kind of risk is worth it," Friend playfully pinched my nose. "I'm genuinely happy for both of you."

"Thank you," Freen said, looking at me.

"Enough of this mushy talk. Freen needs her rest, so it's time for you to head home, Friend," I nudged Friend out the door, and she laughed. She said goodbye to Freen, and they exchanged warm smiles.

"Now, spill the beans about why you two are suddenly so close," I crossed my arms and pouted.

Freen chuckled, motioning for me to sit beside her, which I did.

"We both care about you, but the difference is, I can take care of you for as long as I'm alive," Freen said before kissing me. "Are you proud of me?"

"No, I'll be proud once you're out of the hospital. So you better recover fast," I responded, patting her head before heading to the bathroom.

As I caught sight of my red face in the mirror due to that kiss, I thought, Freen, why does your kiss still affect me like I'm a teenager experiencing my first kiss? Damn, darn it all!

She is Homophobic || FreenBecky [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now