People always talk about family like it's some sacred thing. "Blood's thicker than water," they say. Like that makes a difference when things go south. I've seen enough to know what family is. It's a collection of people who have a unique way of fucking each other. Doesn't matter if they're your parents, your siblings, cousins, even people you call friends. In the end, it's all about survival.
You're either gonna use each other to get ahead, or you're gonna get tossed aside when you're no longer useful. But you know what? It's whatever. Family doesn't mean loyalty. It doesn't mean unconditional love. Sometimes, it's just about who's around when things get ugly. And when they do, the real truth comes out. But at the end of the day, if you're still standing, that's something.
Venelana: Hey! Sorry I took so long.
Legend: So, I waited forty minutes for you to redden your cheeks, brush your hair and paint your nails
Venelana: Don't forget you also need a lot of time to prepare. How much do you usually waste when you're preparing those potions? Hm?
Legend: One hour.
Venelana: See? If anyone is taking their time it's you.
Why do women get so defensive when a guy calls her out for taking way too long for makeup.
Legend: Venelana, I need those potions when I'm fighting powerful monsters. You need makeup to look prettier, which is not a tactical advantage.
Venelana: Life isn't only about blood and corpses. Beauty matters twice as much as monster slaying.
Legend: Monsters feed on beauty. Would you like if I let a Devourer eat you alive?
Venelana: I don't even know what that is.
It still amazes me how you memorized all these creatures.
Legend: Of course. Can we go now?
Venelana: Yes, finally I'll go outside. By the way, where are you taking me?
Legend: Haven't decided yet.
I still think it's a waste of time going out with her.
Venelana: (sigh) I knew I was expecting too much from you. Why don't we start with a restaurant?
Legend: I don't have any of your devil currency.
Venelana: But you rule us now. How can you not have coins?
Legend: Because I'm not corrupt. I refuse to eat at restaurants with the states money. Also I'm having problems with the tax payers. Mostly nobles.
Once uncle sam gets here they'll have no choice but to fall in line, or lose their heads.
Venelana: Very well. I'll pay for you. But, you'll owe me.
Don't agree, she'll use you.
Legend: Can't we go somewhere else? Like the earth realm?
Venelana: Oh, I'd love to. But we can't. I have a question I wanted to ask you and I can only do it here.
Legend: A question? Curious.
This makes no sense, why does the place matter when asking a question?
Venelana: (giggles) You'll have to be patient. Restaurant first.
Legend: If you say so.
We used a horse for transportation. On our way there the people cheered me, guess I'm popular with the common folk. No wonder since I lowered their taxes from fifty percent to fifteen. Once we arrived I noticed a statue being built, a statue that looks a lot like me.

Madness: DxD
FanfictionEvery time I close my eyes, I see a flash of the past. Sometimes, I see the battlefield with bodies at every step, and smoke from artillery fire everywhere you looked. Sometimes I see friends, Odin, Michael, and even Azazel. But most of the time, I...