Chapter 1

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Jayceon/The Game

"I Really don't have time for this Joey" I repeated. "Come on man, I promise that you won't regret it" he pleaded.

"Alright, fine" I held my hands up defeated. "what time does he get here anyway" I shook my wrist so my watch could fall into place so I could check it.

"You mean she" he corrected clearing his throat. "what do you mean she?!"
"She as in she is a girl" he clarified.

"So you got me out here to listen to a little girl" I started to become angry. Here I was trying to build my empire but being forced to listen to little girl thinking that can rap.

"Calm down Man I promise you baby girl is fire I heard her spit when I was out in Queens visiting Blacks."

Just then there was a light knock on the door. "come in" right on que the door opened revealing her.

"Wassup baby girl" Joey stood up to hug her. "Hey Joe" she smiled.
"Well I got someone for you to meet" he grabbed her hand and walked her over to where I sat behind the mixer.

"Jay meet Nic, Nic meet Jay"
She held her hand out for me to shake."Nicole but people call me Nicki" she smiled.

"Are you gonna spit something or not cause I got places to be" As I said that she slowly brought her hand back to herself.
"Don't mind him" Joey stated "you should mind me cause I'm the one who decides whether you can be signed or not." I told her.

She stood there nervously finding with her fingers like she hadn't just rapped one of the hardest verses of all time.

I was impressed but tried my best not to show it. "it was ight" I shrugged and her face lit up. "wait hold on" I didn't want her to think she secured a place because of what she had just produced.

"Before I consider signing you I need to know some more about you" I said pointing towards the chair beside me.

"What do you want to know" her voice was timid and small the complete opposite to what she had just sounded like.

"You shy?" I asked and she nodded her head no quickly. "you looking all nervous and shit"
"Okay I am a little shy it's just you're like really hot, like really really hot" she said. "sorry" she apologised hiding her face in her hands as it turned red in embarrassment.

"How old are you?" I looked at my watch 10:45 I'd already missed the meeting I was meant to be at anyway.
"17. But I'll be 18 in February" I nodded my head. She was young too young.

"Your parents know you're here?" "Yeah my mom" Before I could ask her another question she beat me to it.
"Jay can I ask you a question?" She asked in a childlike tone. I nodded my head yes granting her permission to continue.

"If you sign me does it mean I'll have to move out here in LA?"
"You want too?" She nodded yes and began playing with her fingers again.
"Then yeah, it would be easier for you anyway, you'll get studio access anytime and all the mentoring you need from me." She smiled wide.

"Thanks for you know giving me the chance to even be here right now" she said shyly.

So this is for my amazing followers 😘.
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