Chapter 16

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I looked to my right and shook my head in disbelief at her being right by my side.

I know I fucked up in the past but I was ready to put my bad boy image behind me so I could make her happy.

"It's rude to stare at people" I heard her whisper pulling me out of my thoughts.
"How long have you been awake?" I asked resting my hand on her ass.

"Not long" She said flipping over so she was now laying on her back.

"What are we doing today?" I shrugged leaning back against the headboard.

"Okay then... Let's just stay here all day" she said getting out of bed and heading to the bathroom.

Later That Day- Nicki

"I spoke to my mom yesterday..."

"Oh yeah? What she say?"

"Same stuff really, asking how I am, why I broke things off with Quincy..." He nodded looking back down at his phone.

"Then she asked when was I coming home" He cleared his throat and stood up. "You want one?" He asked holding up a bottle of water he got from the fridge.

I shook my head and bit down softly on my bottom lip.

"The mixtapes done Jay... The deal said-"

"I know what the deal was Nicki. I wrote it remember? I don't want to think about all that right now" he said waving me off.

"Jay we can just put this off. We knew this would happen. My mixtape is done which means I don't NEED to be out here any more"

"Let me finish" I said before he had the chance to interrupt me.

"I like things how they are, I like being out here with you. But my mom is starting to get suspicious.  I'm not ready to tell her the truth and I definitely don't want her finding out from someone else"

"I don't want her not to trust me, cause my intentions were really to come out here just to work" I confessed.

"So what are you saying?"

"I'm saying we need to figure something out and fast" I looked up at him as tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

"Aye stop it, ion wanna see you crying over this shit. C'mere" he grabbed my upper arm softly and pulled me into his embrace.

"I'm not ready to leave yet" I cried burying my face in his chest.

"I just got you back and you ain't going no where. You hear?" I nodded and pulled away.

"I'm gonna go get dressed" I mumbled trying to move away from the subject.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm hungry and there's nothing in your fridge" I pouted as my belly made sounds telling me that I needed to eat NOW.

"shit Nic, you that hungry?" He laughed. "It's not funny Jay!"

"Go get ready and I'll take you for something to eat"

"Stop!" I said slapping his hand away from my pizza box.
"Baby that's a whole medium pizza. Do you really think you're gonna finish it by yourself" I nodded wiping the corners of my mouth.

"Watch me" Just as I was about to take another bite someone knocked hard on the door. I looked at Jay and he looked at the TV acting like he didn't hear it.

"If you touch my pizza..." I warned waving my finger in his face. "Whatever. Go get the door" he waved me off slapping my ass when I stood up.

"Is that how you greet people?"

"What are you doing here?" I asked nervously trying to pull one of Jays shirts I was wearing down a little. "well hello to you too, are you gonna let me in or just stare at me?"

She glared at me. "Baby?" She repeated pushing past me.

I quickly ran after her before they saw each other. "Mom!" I yelled she turned around angrily. "WHAT NICKI?! You wanna tell me who the fuck is calling you baby"

And if things could get any worse Jay walked out to where we were standing.
"Mrs Blake. It's nice to see you" he stuttered looking at me.

"I wish I could say the same, would one of you like to explain why my 18 year old daughter is walking around a 20 something year old mans house half naked?!"

I swallowed hard saying nothing. "WELL?" She yelled.

"Mom I have to tell you something promise me you won't get mad" I whispered looking at him for help but instead he stepped back and let me handle this situation all alone.

"I'm not promising anything, I'm already furious with your ass for lying to me. Telling me you coming out here's to work, go school and what not"

"I didn't lie I did come out here for that but-"

"I don't want to hear it Nicki I know what your gonna say and I don't need you to I have a perfectly fine pair of eyes and can see clearly what's going on"

"I'm sorry mommy" I cried trying to wipe my tears. "I didn't mean to betray your trust-" I stopped talking when she held her hand up at me.

"Go pack your bags" I frowned looking over at Jay. "Did you hear what I just said?"

"We're going home."
"Mrs Blake I don't think-"

"YOU" she walked over to him pointing in his face. "Don't even comment. Don't say anything about me and my daughter. Is this what you do? Tell little girls they have a little talent promise you'll sign them then BOOM couple months later you have them up in ya bed!"


"DIDN'T I TELL YOUR FAST ASS TO GO PACK!" I jumped at the sound of her voice and ran upstairs.


"I hope you don't think I'm just gonna let you get away with this"

"Get away with what? When I first met her I had no intentions of catching any feelings for her but you can't plan shit like this it just happens" I argued trying to remind myself that this was her mother and I needed to calm down.

"Well you can lose them feelings just as fast as you caught em because we're leaving"

"You ready?" She asked looking behind me, I turned around to see Nicki struggling with her bags.

"I got you" I went over to her and helped her.

I decided not to cause a scene with her mother and walked them out to her car.

"I'll call you okay" I said lifting her head up. "Yeah that's if she lets me talk to you"

"Nicki." I stepped back and watched her get in the car. We both watched as her mother walked up to me.

"I hope you know that she's got brothers. A lot of em so if you come anywhere near my daughter again there WILL be a problem, not for me but for you, I promise." She spat coldly.


Her mom is played by Ms Lisa Raye

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