Chapter 8

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We were in the studio as usual finishing one of last tracks for Nicki's mixtape.

It was just me and her since Mac had to fly out to Miami for a family emergency.

"Okay that was good" she cheesed widely at my compliment . "but" I continued causing her to roll her eyes.
"But I forgot to press the recording button so you gotta do it all again" She placed her hands on her hip and threw her weight to one side.

"You're so unorganised" She sung through the mic giggling.
I ignored her and held up my fingers doing a countdown from 5 so she could begin.

"Tell Rich Boy to send me a pink toy, Throw sum d's on it and I might breath on it.
And when I'm in Philly, I gotta fuck Gilly.
Snatch his big mac and slap a bitch silly."

"Wait, wait" I paused the track and chuckled.

"What?" I stared at her confused.
"What Jay? You staring at me is getting kinda weird"

"You really be doing this shit you talk about in these songs?"

"no nigga" I giggled and heard him breath a sigh of relief.

"It's just when you were rapping to the beat you was so serious like that shit you was spitting was legit"
I shrugged stepping out of the recording booth.

"I guess I'm just I really good artist, if I can make you believe that-" I cut myself off and changed the subject .

"But anyway the answer is no I don't do these things.
I happen to be a virgin if you must know"

"For real?" I nodded yes. "all your little boyfriends you got running around sure?"
I rolled my eyes playfully before getting serious.

"I'm telling the truth, I'm waiting for the right person to man up & take what I'm offering" I think he caught on about who this 'person' was because he looked everywhere in the room but at me.

"You wanna finish recording?" I frowned hard, I hated this shield he had up against me.

I grabbed his face and made him look at me. "Did you hear what I just said?"

He looked in my eyes for a moment before roughly pulling my hand away from his face. "Don't put your hands on me"

"Well if you looked at me when I'm talking to you I wouldn't have to put my hands on your face!" I was growing angry but I didn't want to be, I was fed up of arguing with him.

I sighed and looked at him sincerely.

"Look Jay, just loosen up. I've made it clear how I feel about you, all that's left is for you to admit you feel the same, I mean the chemistry is there even you can't deny it"

He licked his lips and stared at me as he thought about what I had just said.

"You hardly know me baby girl"
"But I want to"

"You're too young" I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Stop with the excuses Jayceon, the only thing making this situation harder than it is, is you"

"I got an idea. Let's make a pact : whatever happens between me and you in this studio stays between me and you." I shined my dimples at him and held out my pinky.

He held out his hand so I could intertwine our fingers while laughing "you so childish."


By the way The Game is like 21/22 in this.

Who can guess what song the verse she was recording is from?👀

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Btw chapters will get longer.

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