Chapter 13

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"Alright Nic, Mac's ill today so you're gonna have to work with a new producer today" He told me as soon as we got there.

"But I don't like meeting and working with new people"

"Tough cause you're going to have to , he should be here soon-"

"Hi I'm Jace" he held out his hand for me to shake but I just gave him a small nod, he got the hint and pushed his hand back into his pocket.

"Okay bye I'll see you guys later" Jay said grabbing his phone off the table.

"Let me walk you out"
I followed him out to his car. "Make sure you're on your best behaviour" he warned lifting my chin.

"Aren't I always" I smirked hugging him tightly.

"You're real pretty" Jace stated which caught me by surprise.
"Thanks" I shrugged not really taking notice of him.

Suddenly I felt him come up behind me and stroke my hair, I quickly pushed him off me leaving him stunned.

"My bad" he held his hands up in surrender.
"Just don't come too close ight? My boyfriend wouldn't like it" I said politely whilst also trying to warn him that Jay was psycho and if I told him what had just happened, Jace would be dead.

"I'm sorry I didn't know you had a boyfriend, for the rest of the session I'll stay way over here. Away from you" I nodded and smiled small, he looked really sincere about approaching me the way he did so I decided to not mention it for the rest of the session.

"Play that again" He nodded and played back the beat he had just created.

"Yo! This is the one!" I cheered smiling widely. "Turn up the bass a little" he did as told and that's when all the lyrics came to me, I knew I had to record it before I forgot them.

"I'ma record this hook I just came up with-"

"When are you coming in? Off the jump or after the second beat drop?"

I thought for a moment and recited the hook in my head. "After the second beat?" I said unsure.

"Alright go head ma"


"How did that sound?" I asked happily placing the headphones down.

"It's definitely a hit but I'm going to need you to record your voice over again"

"Sure, I gotta use the bathroom first" I stood up and jogged to the bathroom.

"shit!" I gasped holding my chest as I stepped out the bathroom and crashed into Jace's chest.

"You scared me- what are you doing!" He walked towards me and pushed me back into the bathroom.

Less than a second later he had me pined up by my wrist against the wall.
"Get off me!" I tried fighting him but I couldn't get him off. After a while I gave up, the whole scene was like a remake of what happened with Trey.

I couldn't believe this was happening to me again. I was pulled out of my thoughts by him trying to unbutton my jeans, which pulled me back to reality.

"I said GET THE FUCK OFF!" I kicked him directly in the balls which caused him to fall on the floor groaning in pain, I took this as a opportunity for me to get away.

As I ran I crashed into a tall figure, I panicked thinking it was Jace but was surprised to see Jayceon.

"Slow down. I didn't know your short legs could move that fast" he chuckled until he noticed the state I was in.

"What happened?" He yelled analysing the bruises on my arms and wrists.

"Where is he?" He yelled referring to Jace, I was too shaken up to speak so he ran back inside the main studio area to find him himself.

I flinched each time I heard Jace groan knowing that Jay was probably beating the shit out of him.

"Baby you okay?" He walked out of the studio with blood on his knuckles and shirt but non of it was his.

"C'mere" he pulled me into a hug and leg me cry in his chest. "I'm so sorry baby girl, I promise I'll never leave you alone again. Ever" he whispered kissing my forehead over and over.

"Jay" I whispered and he lifted my chin so we were eye to eye. "Yeah baby?"
"I wanna go home"He nodded and took out his keys.

"Why does this shit always happen to me? Is it my fault? Should I change how I dress? Speak? I don't know what's-"

"Don't do that!"

"Why are you blaming yourself I hate that shit! It's creeps like Trey & that other guy that are the problem NOT you. You hear me baby girl?" I nodded and continued to look out the window and he drove slowly in this typical LA traffic.

"Want me to get you anything?"

I shook my head no but instead held out my arms at him. "Come cuddle with me. Please" I pouted.

"I've never met anyone who loves to cuddle as much as you" he chuckled laying down next to me.

"It's something about you, when we're laid up like this I feel safe like nothing can hurt me" I confessed.

"Well you're right cause as long as I'm breathing ain't nobody gon hurt my baby girl" I smiled tracing his tattoos on his chest with my finger tips.

"You has any thoughts on what you wanna do for your 18th?"

"Well..." I smiled hiding my face in his chest. "Is it that bad?" I shook my head no.

"It's no bad it's just a matter of you agreeing with it or not" I mumbled against his neck.

"What is it?"

"I want a party, not just any party, I want it to be THE party of the year. I want it to be something everyone will remember FOREVER, I want it to be amazing-"

"Damn, that's a lot of 'I wants'"

I pouted and sat up looking directly into his eyes. "So I can't have it?"

"You already know your little ass is the definition of spoiled, I'ma make it happen & get you a party planner just tell them what you want and I'll pay for it"


"as long as you're happy I don't care."

"You're so perfect Jayceon"

"Yeah, get some sleep I'm taking you to the hospital tomorrow so they can check out your wrist" I nodded pecking his lips.

"Thank you Jay. For everything"


Next few chapters will be better!

Still comment & vote please

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