Chapter 27

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*Hey I finished writing this chapter before getting all your feedback, so I didn't change anything but all chapters that I have started after this I'm currently editing in response to your feedback.


"Have you spoken to them yet?" Tiny asked me for the third time this week, as she brushed Xi's hair.

I sighed and shook my head. Telling them the truth is something I had been avoiding ever since I realised there was a possibility Xiomara could be Jayceon's. "No. I don't know how I'm gonna tell them."

I noticed Xi look at me and smile and that's when I knew. I had to tell them, my baby girl deserves to know who her real daddy is and Khalil deserves to know whether he's been raising another mans child or not.

After spending the morning with T I decided to call Jayceon and Khalil over to my house so we could discuss the DNA results.

"I know it seems weird but the reason I got both of y'all here is because I wanted to tell you together." I mumbled as both Jay and Khalil sat facing me.

"Khalil..." He sat up and looked directly in my eyes.

"I just want to let you know that I'm so thankful for you I don't think I could have done this without you. You have been an amazing father to Xiomara and we both love you so much." I bit my lip nervously as he sighed. I really meant what I said I loved him he was one of best friend and I didn't want to loose him over this.

"But she not yours-"

Before I could fully finish I was interrupted by Jays loud voice booming in my face as he got closer and closer to me. "3 years! Almost 3 years I wasn't in my daughters life because you didn't want to tell me the truth!"

"I want joint custody, I want to be in her life I want-"

I squinted my eyes at him and held my hand up. "She's not yours either"

"The fuck?" They said at the same time.

Flashback 3 Years ago~

"Want to come back to mine so we can continue this?" He smirked rubbing his hands along my thighs.

"No! I wanna go home" I slurred. He sipped his drink and nodded looking around before he leaned in to whisper in my ear. "Alright then I'll take you home"

I shook my head pouting. "I can't"
"I came with my friends... I think."

"Oh yeah see that's my best friend T and her cousin Bia!!" I squealed pointing at them as they stood across the room dancing not paying me any attention.

He leaned over again "They look like they're having fun,let me just take you home then you can text them later." He suggested.

"No." I closed my eyes and changed my answer. "Yes. Let's go,What's your name again?" I asked but got no response.

"I'll go get your coat." He smiled and walked away handing me another glass of wine?


I was half sleep for the majority of the car journey back to my house until I opened my eyes and realised he made the wrong turn.

"No you got it wrong. You were meant to turn right but now you've gone left." I pouted upset letting a few tears fall from my eyes but he didn't react he just kept staring straight ahead with both hands securely around the wheel.

I waved my hand in his face laughing. "Hello sir? Did you hear what I said?"

"I heard just keep quiet were almost there." He said through gritted teeth.

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