Chapter 12

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I frowned walking into the dark studio.
"What the fuck?" I mumbled to myself.
Heading back to the door I turned on the main light.

"NO!" I heard someone whine I followed to voice and saw Nicki sat in the corner with a note pad, pen and a bag of chips in her hand.

"Why you sitting in the dark? Matter of fact why are you here?" I frowned grabbing the chips from her.

"You're not meant to be eating that shit" I told her which resulted in her sucking her teeth and rolling her eyes at me.

"Nicole I asked you a question, why are you here?"
"Because I want to be here"

"I don't care what you want, the doctor told you that you should be resting and being here is not resting" I stated.

"Whatever Jay, come read this" She patted the seat next to her and handed me her note pad.

"So..." She dragged waiting for my feedback. "It's good, it's really good but I don't like the fact that you're here"

"Stop you're starting to sound like my mother, I just really want to finish this mixtape" She pouted as she crawled into my lap,so she was straddling me.

"You still mad?" She batted her eye lashes grabbing my face until I cracked a smile making her giggle and lay her head on my chest.

"Baby" She called out swinging her legs to one side.

"Yes Nicole?"
"Can you get me some McDonalds?"
I shook my head no.
"Please Jay, I'll even pay for it" She offered.

"No. How are you meant to get better if you giving it all this junk food?" I said rubbing on her belly in circles.

Suddenly she started laughing. "What's the big joke?" I frowned continuing to rub on her stomach.

"YOU! You're so fucking dramatic!"

"It? Really Jayceon" she shook her head trying to push my hand away from her belly.

"Jay stop that tickles!" She pouted and I flicked her bottom lip. "Stop pouting"

"Anyway as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted...

It's a virus baby, a stomach bug in fact, I don't see how eating a burger is gonna stop me getting better."

"your doctor said that the medication doesn't react with junk foods"

"Stop acting like a old man Jay, now please can you get me some McDonalds" she started to pout but noticed my glare so she fixed her face.

I hated that shit every time she pouts I give in.

"Alright what do you want?" Her face lit up and she started telling me this long list of shit she wanted me to get.

I had baby girl spoilt and she was loving every moment of it.

"Okay I'll be back in 20 minutes, try fall asleep or something you've been here all morning"

Nicole ~ A few days later


"Yeah baby girl"
I smiled at the nickname and crawled into his lap.

"The other day at the doctors-" I paused and looked into his eyes before continuing.
"You thought I was pregnant, didn't you?" He sighed reaching up to move my hair behind my ear.

"Yeah" he mumbled. "I'm sorry"

"It's not your fault baby girl, if you were  pregnant then it would be on me for messing with a kid"
Once he said that I sat up frowning.

"Don't start this Nic you know what I meant"
"No I don't actually, after everything we've been through together you still see me as just this 'kid'!" I yelled pushing myself up from his lap.

"Don't touch me!" I snapped when he tried reaching for me.

"Stop acting like this, you mad at me for what? Why the fuck are we arguing? You should be happy as fuck that you're not pregnant cause I am"

"It's not about that and you know it not, it's about you acting like I'm a child-" I was cut off by him grabbing my waist roughly and pulling me into a kiss.

"Don't try to shut me up Jay because-" again he kissed me.

"Quit doing that!" I yelled trying to release myself from his hold.
"Not until you forgive me, I didn't mean to make you feel like a kid I'm sorry"

"I don't care what you say I'm still-"

"JAYCEON STOP IT!" I yelled making him laugh loudly.

"You forgive me?" He asked and I shook my head no smirking causing him to grabbed my face softly and peck my lips repeatedly.

"I hate you " I stated wiping my mouth once he finally finished showering me with kisses.

He laugh and bent down. "Don't you dare" I warned pointing my finger in his face before his lips could connect with mine.

He held his hands up in defence "you win, I ain't gonna kiss you no more I just remembered you're sick and I don't want to catch it" I gasped loudly hitting him on the chest.

"Don't be rude, just for that I hope you get sick!"

"Why? So you can have the satisfaction of looking after me?"

"Fuck it we can both be sick together" suddenly he grabbed my waist and threw me over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" I screeched as he carried me upstairs to his room.

"You're so annoying!" I said when he literally threw me on the bed.
"And you're so sexy"

He walked over to the bed and placed his hands beside my head towering over me.

"Ever heard of personal space?" I asked smartly.

"You want to talk about personal space? Miss 'I'm scared of thunder'" he smirked referring to the other night when I followed him all around the house because I was afraid to be alone.

"That's different" I looked up into his eyes and was mesmerised.

I reached up and wrapped my arms securely around his neck pulling his face closer to mine.

"Why are you so amazing?" I mumbled against his lips.


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