Chapter 10

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So everyone was at rapper JC's album release party, everything seemed to be going alright except the fact Jay had been avoiding me all night.

"Congratulations JC!" I yelled and he pulled me into a hug saying thank you. "Get ready because your next, after your mixtape drops everyone's gonna want an album from you" I nodded smiling.

"I'll see you later ight" I nodded as he walked off to greet some of his boys that came down from Philly to be here.

I swayed my hips to the beat of the song playing which I was featured on. I was completely zoned out until I heard Lo's voice.

"That better be koolaid!" She said gesturing to my cup. I laughed at her overprotective side.

Ever since I've been out here she's been like a mother figure to me and I love her for that.

"You're lucky you ain't got school tomorrow" she stated playfully rolling her eyes.

I steeped out of the bathroom and crashed into a talk figure causing me to drop my phone.
"F*CK!" I yelled bending down to see the damage.

"My bad baby girl" I recognised his voice instantly.
"You just have a habit of breaking my phones don't you?" I handed him my phone so he could see the damage.

"I'll go out and get you a new one tomorrow" I nodded.
"I want the new 6s this time" I pouted and he agreed making me smirk small, he had me spoiled and I was loving it.

He handed me back my phone quickly when his friends came towards us.


"What Nic? Can't you see I'm talking!" He said catching an attitude.

"I'm bored" I said crossing my arms over my chest.
"Well go make some friends"he turned away from me and continued his previous conversation.

"I don't want to make friends"
"Leave me alone Nic, I'm busy"

"Hey Jayceon right?" This lady smiled widely holding her hand out at him. I stood waiting to see if her told her to go away like he told me.

"Who's asking?" He smiled back at her.
I watched as she twirled the ends of her hair flirting with him, and he had the audacity to entertain this shit.

"Just a fan" she giggled
"You want a drink?" I shook my head in disbelief and walked away leaving him to flirt with her.

"Jay I want to go home!" I yelled interrupting their conversation.
"Why are you telling me? Go tell Lo"

"Fuck you Jay!" I marched off towards Lo but before I could reached her I felt someone grab my arm and pull me into a corner.

"Let go of me Jay!" I yelled trying to fight him. He cornered me, stopping me from running. "You mad at me?" I ignored him and tried moving his arms.

"I'm not moving till you talk baby girl" he laughed.
"Wassup, why you mad?" Still I ignored him.

"You jealous? Aww my baby jealous" he teased. I clenched my fist and punched him in the chest as he continued to laugh.

"I'm not jealous" I stated proudly. "So what's the problem?"

"You've been ignoring me all night, acting like I'm not here and I don't like it"

"You so spoilt, you know that?" I smirked nodding.


I placed my hand on her back and led her towards the exit.
"Take these I'm about to tell Lo were leaving" she nodded taking my car keys from me.

"aye Lo she's staying with me tonight"

She raised her eye brows and stared at me.
"be careful Jay she's still technically a baby" She warned.

"I'm not stupid Lo"

"Just keep ya shit wrapped nigga" she said seriously causing me to burst out laughing and she joined shortly after.

"I'm serious we ain't having any babies round here bih" She said waving her finger in my face.


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