Chapter 11

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"Jay I feel sick" She whined holding her stomach.

"You want to go home?" She shook her no and I noticed her eyes begin to water.

"I really need to finish this song" she whispered.

"Alright go record it" she forced a smile and headed into the recording booth.

Before she could say anything she rushed towards the bathroom and threw up.

I ran after her and found her hunched over the toilet using one hand to hold her hair up.

" Nic you okay?" I asked beginning to worry, she looked like she was in so much pain and I didn't know what to do.

She stood up and walked towards the sink to wash her mouth out.

"I'm fine , I just need to rest"

"Alright let's go" She held her head as we walked out to my car.

"Nic are you sure you're okay? Do you want me to take you to the doctors or something?" I asked as she stepped out of the bathroom after being sick for the fifth time since we got here.

She crawled into the bed ignoring my question, before I got a chance to repeat myself she started crying.

"Owe Jay! My belly really hurts" She screamed, I could see the pain in her eyes as tears poured down her cheeks.

I laid down next to her and started rubbing her stomach trying to make her feel better, till I started thinking.

"Nic" she looked up at me. "How long have you been feeling sick? Like have you noticed any changes..."

She caught on to what I was inferring and shook her head no.

I nodded not asking her anything else.
"Except that my diet has changed a little, when I try eating certain food it won't stay down and I end up having to throw up again..."She confessed  looking down playing with her fingers.

"Alright Nic, I gotta get you to the hospital" I picked her up and carried her downstairs and out into my car.

The car journey was beyond awkward, my mind was all over the place and she was the last person I wanted to talk to.

I kept thinking about how stupid I was to fall for a kid and how wrong it was for me to act on my feelings towards her.

"Jayceon" She whispered looking my way. "Jay" she tried holding my hand but I pulled away and kept my hands on the steering wheel.


We was sat waiting in the doctors office when I heard Nicki yell out in pain "fuck" she hissed biting the side of her lip, rocking back and forth while crying.

I sighed standing up.

I stood in front of her and picked her up then went to sit back on my seat with her in my arms.

"Everything's gonna be alright, I promise, I got you" I said kissing her forehead and wiping her tears away.

"But it hurts really bad" She said looking up at me.
"I got you Nic, you're gonna feel better by the time we leave here" I stated she looked away from me and buried her face in my chest.

"I promise baby girl, you trust me?" She nodded squeezing me slightly.


Once we walked into the doctors office I placed Nicki on the bed and the doctor asked her to tell her everything that has happened.

Now we was just waiting for the doctors opinion and the results from Nicki's blood test.

"Okay well Nicole, the symptoms you are showing are similar to the symptoms of a pregnant lady in her first trimester... BUT I need to do some more test to confirm this, is that okay with you?"

She nodded and allowed the doctor to examine her once again.

"Okay I'll be back in a few minutes" She smiled.

I felt her look over to me when the doctor left.

"Jayceon please talk to me, don't be mad at me its not my fault!" She cried

"Sorry I took so long" the doctor smiled returning with a folder marked boldly 'Nicole Blake'

"Well from these results and the scan I've just done I can confirm that my first impressions were right and there is definitely something inside your stomach-"

Before she could finish I ran out the room leaving her sat with the doctor and mentally cursed myself, how could I be so stupid? I wasn't ready for all of this.

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