Chapter 23

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~ Nicki ~

"Get up babe"  I whined tapping his back.

"Shh I'm trying to sleep" he mumbled burying his face in the crook of my neck.

"Shaq I'm being serious you need to get up... I'm not saying you have to come with me just get up so I can get ready?" I pouted.

His body remained on top of me as he popped his head up. "Where you going?"

"I need to go home. I left my mom with Xi"

"So what's the problem? Let your mama watch her for a little longer"

I sighed then bit my lip thinking. "I can't. Just move so I can get up"

"Alright" He said finally rolling off of me.

"Thank you"

"I don't see why you're scared to let you mama watch Xiomara for a little longer."

"I'm not scared. I've been trying to prove to her that I'm a responsible adult" I frowned looking in his direction as I heard him laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked crossing my arms.

"How you trying to prove you're responsible when you walk around like you have no responsibilities"

"What's that meant to mean?"

He chuckled and stood in front of me. "Okay let me ask you this...When was the last time you went to work? Are you even sure you still got a job." He smiled grabbing my face.

"You're never on time, you always forgetting to take your birth control pills I swear you really want me to fuck around and get you pregnant. You tell your daughter to call you Nicki"

I stepped back from him with a frown on my face. "That doesn't mean nothing!"

"Why is it that we fucked 5 times before I found out you even had a kid?" He continued. I stayed silent and looked down trying to avoid answering his question.

"You see what I'm saying?"

"No I don't" I lied.

"You're irresponsible as fuck but I don't mind as long as it ain't effecting me" he said grabbing my face once again and kissing me.

"Whatever Shakur " I sighed heading for the door.

"That hurts!" I yelled when I felt his hand come down hard on my ass.

"Tell your mom I said Hi" he winked knowing she hated him.

2 Days later •'


"Yes Nicki"

"Do you think I'm a good parent?" I asked seriously.

She stared at me for a while in silence thinking of way to answer without hurting my feeling I guess.

"I think you're trying" she said eventually.

I sighed nodding my head slowly. "...So I'm not"

"I didn't say that, I just feel like you weren't ready to be a mom yet but she was coming whether you were ready or not so you had no choice but to grow up and take on the mommy role"

"My mom and Shakur think-"

"Wait. Did you just say Shakur? Nicki I know you're not still fucking around with that nigga"

"I like him T" I defended.

She then looked at me like I was stupid. "He has like 8 baby mamas. You don't need that drama Nic"

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