Chapter 4

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I was sat in a meeting when my notifications on my phone wouldn't stop blowing up. I tried to ignore it best I could but it wouldn't stop.

Excusing myself I finally looked down at my phone to see like 5 miss calls from Nicki's school.

I called back eager to know what they wanted.
School: Hi is this Mr Taylor?
Me: Yes what do you want?
School: uh you're listed as a Guardian of Nicole and I just wanted to let you know that she hasn't turned up to school today.
Me: alright I'll sort it.

I was PISSED, where the fuck was she?

Me: Where the fuck are you?!
Nicki: At school, why?
Me: quit lying, I just spoke with your school now I'm gonna ask you one more time. Where are you?
Nicki:not that it's any of your business by getting my nails done.

This girl was driving me crazy. I ran out to my car and sped to the nail salon.

When I walked in I spotted her and her stupid friends sat laughing having fun.

"Nicole" she turned to face me. "oh hi Jay" she smiled. I don't know why the fuck she was smiling, I guess she didn't know how much trouble she was in.

"Go get in the car"
"Uh no, I'm not finished getting my nails done" I stormed over to where she was sat and pulled her up from her seat.

"You can't grab on her like that" her friend commented.
"You" I pointed I'm her face. "shut the fuck up before I tell your parents that you're here" She mugged me and shut up.

"Now you" I pointed at Nicki. "get in the car.NOW"

As we walked out I heard a voice behind us. "pay me" I turned to see the lady who was doing Nicki's nails."my bad" I took out my wallet and handed her some money.

"that's to cover all of them ight" I said pointing at each of Nicki's friends.

"You didn't have to grab me like that, I was gonna come once she finished my nails" She said once we were sat in the car.

"Part of the agreement of you being out here was that you went to school, so why aren't you going?" I asked calmly trying to contain my anger.

She shrugged and analysed her nails.

"Well from now on, I'm going to take you to school myself so I can make sure that you're actually there" I saw her smirk from the corner of my eye.

The next day~

I was parked up outside Lo's house waiting for Nicki to come down. This girl had me waiting out here for almost an hour.

When she finally stepped out. I frowned at what she was wearing.

"Hey Jay" she smiled sliding into the passenger seat. "Go back up and change" I said clenching to the steering wheel.

"Why?" She asked and I looked back over at her.

She was wearing little to nothing and if she thought I was gonna send her to school and let all these little boys look at her ass she's got another thing coming.

"Just go and change, put on a sweater or something" She rolled her eyes at me.
"A sweater? Do you know how hot it is out here?"

"Just go put on something that covers your ass"
"Whatever you say daddy" she smirked climbing out of the car giving me full view of her behind.

"Hurry up and don't call me that"

"Alright have a good day. Learn something" I said once we reached the school.

"Yeah yeah, I'll see you later right?"
"I don't know maybe, now hurry up you're going go be late" I opened the door for her and watched her go inside.


"So you're like really signed with like one of the biggest labels of all time?"

"Yes I have a studio session today actually" I smiled flipping my hair over my shoulders.

"Cool can we come?" She asked.
"Uh sure, I think that would be okay" I said nervously.

Jay had never told me I wasn't allowed so it shouldn't be a problem if I brought a few friends.

"Brooklyn don't touch that"
"Alright don't shout just show me how it works" She said crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well first you gotta do this" I showed her how it worked.

"Nicole!" I looked up to see an angry Jay stood at the door.
"Hi" I pushed my hair behind my ear shyly.

"Get to work and why are your friends all up on my equipment" I stood up and looked around.
"You didn't say I couldn't" I honestly.

"Whatever, you written your verse for that Keyshia Cole song?" I nodded yes.

"Re-write the last part!" He yelled.
"Cause I said so"

I crossed my arms and looked at him."no. I like it!"

"Why don't you listen?" I noticed him growing angry but decided to stand my ground.
"I said no" I repeated.

"Y'all get out of here, go home" he told the girls.

"Excuse me, they're my guest therefore I should be able to decide when they leave" I argued stepping out of the recording booth.

"No it's alright Nic, we'll see you tomorrow" Shannon said grabbing her bags to go.

I stared at Jay angrily.
"Bye" when they left I looked up at him.

"Why did you do that?"
"Don't question me" he grabbed my forearm roughly pushing me back in the booth.

"I wanna go home"
"You can once you finish" he stood against the door blocking me from exiting.

I began saying my verse dryly with little to no emotion.
I felt him come up behind me and pull the mic closer to my mouth.

"Stop playing Nicki!" He whispered in my ear.

I rolled my eyes and finished reciting my verse.


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