Chapter 22

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• Jayceon •

"I can't believe she kept some shit like that from me" I confessed to Lo who seemed to be taking Nicki's side since she got back.

"I know it sounds silly but maybe she had valid reasons for not telling you about the baby"

"Reasons like what?" I yelled.

"I don't know maybe she was scared and didn't know how you'd react. Nicki was still a baby herself remember." She shrugged trying to get me to understand Nicki's point of view once again.

I shook my head. I didn't want to hear any excuses right now. I had one thing on my mind. "I wanna see her"

"I don't think that's a good idea Jay she didn't really want me telling you in the first place."

"What if she's mine?"

She sighed looking at me sincerely.
"Honestly I don't think she is. Nicki told me she had a father. Have you thought that maybe she didn't tell you because she cheated and didn't know how to tell you."

"I don't care. I'm still going to see her and I want to see the baby too"

Nicki •


"Nicki look!" She cheered running into my room. "Lemme see then" I giggled taking the paper from her.

I looked down seeing a picture she had drawn. I gasped dramatically and her face lit up at my reaction. "Is it for me?" She nodded and crawled into my lap.

"You, daddy, me and TayTay" she told me pointing at each 'person'.
Taylor or 'TayTay' is Khalil's 1 year old daughter from his new girlfriend Brandi who hated me and thinks I'm trying to steal her man which is not the case.

"It's beautiful Xi. I'll take a picture and send it to daddy alright?"

"Ice cream?" She asked innocently.

"Depends if you give me a kiss or not"
She giggled and grabbed my face. "Mwah" She exaggerated. "I love you Xi"
"Love you too"

"Alright go get your shoes then we'll go-" before I could finish saying what I wanted to say she had already jumped up and ran out of the room.

"Here" she returned shortly after handing me her shoes and sat on the floor pointing her feet up in my face.

"Come on baby girl I specifically got you this kind so you could put them on yourself" I sighed. I was trying not to baby her as much as I had been because my mom said it will be a problem for me when she starts school.

But despite my efforts to help her become more independent she was already spoiled and hated doing things for herself.

"Please" she pouted.

"Come on Xiomara!"  I yelled, she had just ran back upstairs to get her iPad which she thought was necessary to have with her all the time.

"Don't shout" she replied.

"Xi if you're not down here in-" I was interrupted by the sound of someone knocking hard on the door.

I pulled open the door angrily and instantly regretted it once I saw who was on the other side.

"Finish" Xi sung pushing past me to get outside. "Hi" she waved at the figure blocking her from going any further.

He kneeled down and smiled at her. "Hi princess"

"Jay please don't." I whispered.

"What's your name Princess?" He asked completely ignoring my requests as usual.

"Xiomara" She said confidently. "That's a beautiful name"

"Thank you" she mumbled becoming shy and grabbed onto my leg. "Come on" I picked her up and sat her on my hip.

"Excuse me"
"Nah you're not going no where right now, we need to talk"

"Sorry but no. My daughter wants some ice cream so MOVE."

"Xiomara" she looked up at him. "Can I talk to your mom for a minute?"

• Jayceon •

I waited for her response as she laid her head on Nicki's shoulder.

Surprisingly she shook her head telling me no. "I wan ice cream" she stated. "Okay" I laughed.

"Well can I come with y'all?" I asked her. "No you can't" Nicki answered pushing me out of the way and rushed towards her car before I could say anything else.

"Nicki you can't keep avoiding me!"

"Watch me. You and I were over years ago there's absolutely nothing for us to discuss. What do you want from me?"

"The truth." We stood in a awkward silence until she backed away from me.

"NICKI is she mine?!"

She sighed helping her daughter into the car. "Goodbye Jayceon"

• Nicki •

"Mommy" Xi called out once I finally got into the car.

"Yes baby?" I answered turning around to face her.

She had the cutest little pout on her face, I just wanted to grab her and kiss on her chubby cheeks

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She had the cutest little pout on her face, I just wanted to grab her and kiss on her chubby cheeks.

"Daddy and TayTay get ice cream?" she asked.

"I don't think so. I think Tays staying with her grandma this week and daddy's being a fucking fuck boy as usual." I said mumbling the last part as quiet as possible.

Ever since I told Khalil Jay was back he's been acting like a little bitch so I had been avoiding him for the last couple of days. I didn't have time to deal with his emotions.


Sorry it's short

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