Chapter 7

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"You're late"

She opened her mouth and the excuses came pouring out.
"I know I'm sorry but I was getting my hair done and Brook-"

"I don't wanna hear your bullsh*t excuses Nicole!" I yelled making her jump.

"I'm sorry" she whispered playing with her fingers.

"SORRY?! You're always F*CKING sorry, how about for once just once you do what the f*ck you're asked to do!"

She looked up at me with pleading eyes and stepped closer to me.

"I'm trying," her tone let me know she was telling the truth and sincerely sorry but I couldn't give in so easily.

"Try harder! if this is you trying, you might as well quit while you're ahead of the game" I took a deep breath and continued.

"There's no such thing as trying over here, you either give your A game 24/7 or get to stepping..."

I sighed loudly and ran my hand over my face.

After some thought I decided to approach the situation differently and stop yelling.

"You written that B.O.B verse yet?" I asked.

She looked up at me biting the side of her lip.

"You done it?" I repeated.

"Not yet" she mumbled.

"For real?! Then what has your ass been doing the last two weeks!"

"I'm starting to think signing you was a wrong move for me to make if I was thinking about creating a label full of stars and muthaf*ckas that wanted to be something!"

"STOP YELLING AT ME!" I stared at her stunned at her sudden outburst.

"I'm sorry, I've said I'm sorry just stop yelling...please" she said little above a whisper.

"Just sit and write the verse, you've got an hour"
Nicole- 40 Minutes Later

I stood up and approached him slowly with my paper in my hand.

"Uh Jay" he looked up from his phone giving me his attention.
"I've finished" he held out his hand and I placed the paper in it.

As he read what I'd written I tried to read his face and see what he felt but he was so good at hiding it, it was like staring at a blank wall.

"Sit down" I did as told sitting on the chair beside him.

"You've been slacking lately with verses and being on time which isn't okay"

"But... this verse may have just made up for all that" I smiled widely and let out a sigh of relief.

"All you've got left to do is record it" I nodded and was about to get up when I remembered something.

"Jay" he gestured for me to continue.

"Ion like it when you yell. I mean I get you're mad at me but it's like you turn into another person when you're yelling at me" I confessed and waited nervously for his response but it didn't come.

"Like I don't get it. WHY are you so mean to me all the time? Even when I do nothing wrong you've always got this barrier against me"

"I have no choice... You're a trap and you ain't even know it"


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