Chapter 2

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"Aye Jay, some girl named Nicole is here to see you" my assistant/best friend Lola alerted me stepping into my office.

"Send her in"
"Take a seat" She walked in with her mother. "So you really want to sign my daughter?" She asked getting straight to the point of this meeting.

"Um yeah, she's very talented" I looked towards Nicki who was smiling wide.
"I've spoken to Nicole and I agree that you can sign her but under two condition's" she paused and looked up at me.

I nodded small for her to continue.
"She stays at school."
"Also, if she stays out here I don't want her staying alone." Nicki rolled her eyes at her mothers comment.

"My assistant Lo who walked you guys in, recently brought an apartment near the studio Nicki will be working in and said she wouldn't mind having Nicki stay with her for a while" her mother nodded.

"This is all just temporary though until she finishes her mixtape then she can return back to New York." I clarified and watched as Nicki's face dropped.

Her mother nodded while reading over the contract. "you sign here... and Nicki here" I pointed out on the paper.

"Okay now that we've got the paperwork out the way I'll take you guys to the studio where Nicki will be working and show you Lo's apartment"
They both nodded standing up from their seats.

Just as we was about to walk out her moms phone started ringing.
5 minutes after beginning her conversation she looked up at us.

"Something came up. So just show Nicki what you want, you can show me some other time" She said rushing out of my office.

"I guess it's just me and you" Nicki shined a small dimple smile at me.
During our drive to the studio I had to keep reminding myself that she was still only 17, 18 in a couple more months but still 17.

I stepped out the car and walked over to her side opening the door for her, allowing her to walk in front of me.
My first mistake.

Her hips swayed side to side with each step causing her ass to move in sync.

"Here?" She turned to face me breaking me from my trance as she pointed at the entrance. I nodded and followed her inside.

"Wow" she gasped. "so this is where the magic happens huh?" She smiled running her fingers over the mixing table.

"Don't touch that" I scolded startling her as she stepped back apologising.

"Ooh cool!" She cheered running over to the portrait which included everyone who was currently signed to the label and their signatures.

"You gon put me up there?" She asked pointing to the space besides my face.
"Maybe" I answered pulling her hand away from the picture.

"Why don't you want me to touch anything? I'm not gonna break shit. Besides if I'm going to be working here I think I should be allowed to analyse my environment-" She paused looking up at me and stepped closer.

"And everyone in it" She continued.
I stepped back from her and started walking towards the door.

"Hurry up so I can show you where Lo lives so you can leave me alone" She rolled her eyes before finding herself a place beside me.

I peeped her mugging me with her arms across her chest. I rather her be like this and keep her distance, than her thinking we're friends and getting too close.


"Jay" she caught me off guard, she was silent ever since we re-entered the car.

"What?" I replied never taking my eyes off the road.
"Before you take me to Lo's can we stop and get something to eat?"

"Hello Jay" she waved when I didn't answer, I grabbed her hand roughly and placed it back in her lap.

"Are you fucking crazy? Don't do that shit when I'm driving!" I yelled it wasn't her waving that angered me but the fact she was such a distraction and didn't even know it.

"I'm sorry" she whispered and stared out the window for the rest of the drive.

"We're here" I said once we pulled up outside Lo's place.
"Nicki!" I said louder when she didn't move.

"Look I'm sorry alright, I just got a tight schedule so I couldn't stop. Sorry for yelling at you earlier" I saw her smirk small but immediately frowned against once she noticed me looking.

I went over to her side and opened the door, I kneeled down in front of her and grabbed her hands causing her to look up at me.
"Forgive me?" She nodded stepping out the car.

I held her hand as we walked up to the door.

"Hey Jay" Lo smiled but it faded once she looked down I followed her eyes and noticed I was still holding Nicki's hand.

I quickly let go and looked back at Lo.
"Come in" she stepped to the side allowing Nicki to walk in first before I could follow she stopped me.

"Don't play with that little girls emotions Jay" she warned and I held my heart dramatically. "me? How dare you accuse me of such things" I said causing her to laugh.

"Come on fool" she laughed pushing me inside.


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