Chapter 14

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"Hey Nicki?" Chelsea smiled.

"Chelsea" I said plainly walking past her into the kitchen so I could make my breakfast.

"So how's school?" She asked trying to spark up some sort of conversation with me.

Let me introduced you to Chelsea. Jays new 'girlfriend' he claims, they have been 'together' for about 3 months now and every moment they spent together was torture to be around so I try to keep my distance as best as I can, considering we all live in the same house.

"Nicki a word" Jay said walking out towards the hall, I rolled my eyes and followed after him.

"What do want?" I asked once we were stood out in the hall alone.

"Can you try get along with her? For me please?" I crossed my arms over my chest shaking my head in disbelief.

"Get along with her? Nah son! I don't like her and you know I don't-"

"Please Nic you already know what it is"

"It know what it is
you told me you needed to get a girlfriend to better your image cause people started suspecting shit with us but it doesn't mean I'm okay with it"

"Have you thought about how I feel? Seeing you guys everyday watching her kiss on you and shit!"

"You also said this shit was temporary just until you cleaned up your image but she's been here for almost 4 months!"

"I'm sorry-" "I don't want your apologies. I've decided to move back in with Lo for a while."

He shook his head no. "You're not going anywhere" he tried to grab my waist but I pulled back.

"I can't do this anymore Jay, I'm not done kind of doll that you can pick up and throw down when you feel like it. I have feelings I had feelings for you"

'Said I'm all up in my feelings
Doubled up on this shot
Got me feeling some type of way told you I hate you I don't mean it'

"I want you to welcome our next guests rapper The Game and his beautiful girlfriend model Chelsea Ann" Wendy introduced them to her studio audience who all started cheering as they walked out from back stage.

"How are you guys?" She asked enthusiastically.

"We're good" he chuckled placing his hand on her thigh.

"so you two are really official?"she asked in a surprised tone.

"Yep" she giggled grabbing his hand and flashes a wide smile at the camera.

"It's been a while since we've seen you with a girl on your arm, so tell us is she The One?"

"She absolutely is"

"You hear that ladies he's officially OFF the market and has found THE ONE!!" She cheered.

I sighed reaching for the remote so I could turn the TV Off.

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