Chapter 21

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~3 Years Later~


"Yes Xiomara?" (Pronunciation: Zee-Oh-Ma-Ra).

"Help me please" She smiled handing me a pink bottle of nail polish.

"You want me to do your nails for you?" She nodded crawling into my lap and holding out her hand.

"Okay baby girl. Where's grandma?" She shrugged.

"Ma!" I yelled and waited for her response.

"Yes Nicki?" She said calmly walking into the family room. "I'm going out tonight can you watch Xi?" I asked batting my eyelashes hoping she would say yes.

"She's YOUR daughter, your responsibility Nicki. I love my granddaughter but I feel like I'm raising another child, I take care of her more than you, I'm surprised she even knows you're her mother you don't-"

I cut her off.  "Thanks mom" I said quickly flashing a fake smile.

"Nicki I didn't mean it like that. I get that you're young and still learning but you need to sort out your priorities. She's a human being you can't keep treating her like an accessory."

"Okay mom, I get it. Forget I even asked" She walked away mumbling something inaudible.

I turned my attention back to Xiomara as I began doing her nails. "You really like pink don't you?"

"Mommy" she whispered. I paused instantly starting to worry. She only called me 'Mom' or 'Mommy' when she was upset or sick. Other than that I let her call me Nicki.

"Yes baby?" I asked concerned.

"You sad?" She pouted reaching up and wiping away tears I didn't realise were there. "No. I'm find I've just been thinking about some stuff."

"Okay... I wanna call daddy"

"Alright" I grabbed my phone and searched for his name in my call log.

I called him on FaceTime and handed her the phone. "DADDY!" She cheered.

"Get up one second" I whispered so I could get up and leave before he got the chance to talk to me. "Hi princess. I missed you."
"Me too! Daddy look!" She smiled widely. "They look pretty princess. I'm gonna come get you tomorrow" her face lit up, she hadn't seen him in a few weeks and I know they missed each other badly.

"Let me speak to your mommy"  I sighed taking the phone from her, I really wasn't in the mood to speak to him I had better things to be doing with my time like finding a babysitter since my mom refused to watch Xiomara tonight.

"Hello Khalil."
"You heard what I said?"

"Yeah, you wanna have her tomorrow?" He nodded licking his lips. "Alright I'll have her ready by 12."

If someone would have told me 3 years ago that I was going to be 21 years old with a daughter and still living with my mother, I would have laughed in your face and told you I was going to be the biggest female rapper out but reality is something I can't deny. This was my life whether I wanted to accept it or not.

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