Chapter 28

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I stepped back frowning when he said nothing. "Aren't you gonna say it back?"

He rubbed the back of his neck looking down as he spoke. "You know I got love for you."

"That's not what I meant." Crossing my arms over my chest, I shook my head silently cursing at myself for being so careless and admitting my feelings to him.

"Hey relax, You telling me you still love me caught me off guard, but for real tho your always gonna be my baby girl." He still didn't say he loved my back but I pushed that thought to the back of my mind I had other things to deal with right now.

"You coming to Xiomara's party? It's next Saturday?" I asked changing the subject trying to reduce how awkward the situation was getting.

"Yeah you know I'll be there" just then his phone started buzzing. "That was Lo it looks like I'm needed in the studio."

"See you next Saturday." He gave me a loose hug before leaving.

The Next Morning~

"Stop!!" I heard Xiomara yell. I sat up in a panic and ran downstairs.

"Shakur what the fuck!" I shouted angrily. He was throwing my baby up in the air, although it was innocent and she was laughing uncontrollably, her screams scared the shit out of me.

"See Marz. I told you to stop screaming or you'll wake mommy up." He said placing her back on the floor causing a pout to form on her face.

"Xiomara c'mere" she stuck her thumb in her mouth and walked over to me slowly.

I sighed looking at her hair. "What are you doing here?" I asked Shakur as I redid Xiomara's messy bun.

"I came to check you was still alive since you haven't been answering my calls."

"Well you've seen I'm fine so you can go now."

"What's up with you?" He asked licking his lips at me and I suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"Stop staring at me!"

"Your mama here?" I shook my head clutching at the rim of his shirt I was wearing trying to pull it down further so it would at least cover my ass.

"She's gone to the store she'll be back soon so don't think anything is gonna happen between us." I warned pointing at the space between me and him

"Whatever. Take this to help you pay for baby girls party." He shrugged handing me some money.

I shook my head and pushed away his hand."No thanks I've got it covered"

"Stop playing and take it" he insisted.

"I don't want it. Her father said he'll pay for it"

"Oh yeah?" He chuckled. "Which one?"
I gasped crossing my arms over my chest.

"Get out."

"Nic I'm just playing-"

I cut him off and pointed towards the door. "Get out of my house Shakur. NOW!"

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