Chapter 3

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"Stop! what the fuck was that?"
I threw the head phones down beside my feet at his comment.

"I'm trying Jay!" I yelled.

"Well try harder" I rolled my eyes, I then watched him tear the door open and burst into the booth so he was stood directly in front of me.

"And don't be throwing my shit, this cost money" he picked up the headphones from the floor and roughly threw them at me before he exited and sat back behind the mixing desk.

I felt my anger build up but decided to hold it in and put it in the music instead.

"You ready Nicki?" The producer Mac asked me. I nodded but before I could start I heard Jay's voice.
"You better not fuck this up" he warned.


"Aye Nicki come listen to the playback" Mac called me and I rushed out of the booth excitedly, this was my first finished track for my mixtape.

"I like it" I cheesed as I heard my voice through the speakers. Everyone in the room agreed.

I looked over at Jay who said nothing.
"What do you think?" I asked nervously, his opinion was the only opinion that mattered at this moment and if he didn't like it, then I don't know what I'd do.

"It was aight but you gotta be a bit sharper with your punch lines tho" I felt like breaking down right there. He never gave me a straight complement it was always a but with him and I was starting to get fed up with it.

"I'm done" I stormed out the studio into the car park.

I sat crying up against the wall thinking about how I was never gonna be good enough for him.

"Nicki?" "Go away!" I cried.

"Get up" he held his hand out for me but I slapped him away.
"Leave me alone Jayceon!" I yelled.

"I'm not playing with you Nicki, look you got some real talent, do think I'm gonna let you through that away over a little constructive criticism"

I looked up at him and thought. "but it's not that Jay, I feel like everything I do is never good enough for you, I try my best and all you say is 'it was aight'"
I continued to stare at him as he stood in silence.

I stood on my feet and faced him. "that shit hurts Jay"

Just then it started raining so I had no other choice but to go back inside with him.

When we we're finally back inside we were both already soaked.
I marched straight towards the bathroom to dry my hair.

I looked a mess and didn't need Jay to see me like this.
I brushed my hair as best as I could until it looked somewhat decent.

As I stepped out the bathroom I saw Jay walking down the hall shirtless, I felt my knees grow weak as he got closer to me.

"Here" he handed me a towel to dry myself.
"Why are you doing this to me Jay?" I asked and he looked at me confused.

"You know I have a crush on you, you've known since the first day we met but yet you're here walking around with no shirt on" I bit my lip as I continued to eye him down.

"My bad, I'll go put a shirt on and it's just a crush Nicki you'll get over it" I shook my head at him avoiding the situation.

"You don't get it do you? It's not just a silly school girl crush I have feelings for you...strong feelings and they're not just gonna go away over night." I confessed.

Before he could respond Mac interrupted.

"Hey Nicki, we're ready for you to get back in the booth" He said before returning back inside.

I looked back up at Jay, although I was angry at the fact he dismissed my feelings as a 'silly crush'. I couldn't stay mad at him and him standing shirtless made it even harder.

"You okay?" He asked breaking me out of my trance.
"I'm fine" I snapped. "are you cold? You standing here shivering"

I looked down at my hands which were shaking. "here" he took the towel out of my hands and turned me around, I felt him move my hair to the side so he could place the towel around my shoulders.

"Thanks" I looked at him one more time before going to finish my song.

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