Chapter 20

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"Seriously Nicki what's wrong with you?"

I pushed his arm off my shoulder angrily. "Nothing! Why does everybody keep asking me that? I'm fine"

Jay had only been in New York for about two days and he was already getting on my nerves, every time he opened his mouth I just wanted to reach up and slap him across the face.

Everything he did annoyed me and I didn't know why. Back in LA we was so in love but now it was like I was dating a stranger, someone I didn't want to be with at all.

"You're obviously not fine if you're yelling at me like I did something wrong!" He clapped back.

"Can you just drop it? I don't want to talk about it" I mumbled sniffling trying to stop myself from breaking down into tears.

"So there is something, what is it baby girl?" He asked sincerely moving my hair out of my face so he could see clearly in my eyes.

"Since I've been back in New York have you cheated on me?" I asked. I couldn't fight it anymore and my eyes began to water.

"No!" He shouted defensively. "Okay that's all I wanted to know" I said calmly.

"Can you take me home now? I'm tired."

"Ight Lets go" I grabbed his hand and began walking along side him towards his car.

"But why you always tired baby girl? You sick?"

I looked up at him and gave him a reassuring smile."I'm absolutely fine Jay"

"I forgot to tell you baby girl, I booked you for a show tonight" Jay said casually making himself comfortable on my bed.

"Why are you just telling me now, I have plans" I frowned.

"Cancel them. This show right here is putting money in your pocket. You got fans and they've been wondering where you've been"

"NICKI!" My mom shouted before I got a chance to respond to Jay telling me to cancel my plans.



"Who's Khalil?"

I ignored him and yelled back.
"JUST GIVE ME A MINUTE!" I stood up going towards the door but before I could reach it Jay pulled me back by my wrists.

"Who's Khalil?" He asked again. "My friend, you can come down and meet him if you want" I shrugged trying to act as normal as possible.

He sighed and followed me downstairs.

"Hey" I said softly as Khalil pulled me into a hug. I heard Jay clear his throat reminding me of his presence making me step away from K a little.

I cleared my throat looking between the two. "Khalil this is my boyfriend Jayceon, and Jay this is Khalil my best friend."

Khalil reached out his hand to shake Jay's hand,but being the petty person he is, Jay denied the handshake and acted like K wasn't in the room.

"Okay" K laughed before turning his attention back to me. "You ready?" He asked.

Ever since Khalil and I did what we did I've been distant as I felt our relationship wouldn't be the same. Khalil on the other hand acted like nothing happened and continued to be just my 'Friend'.

"Actually K, I got a show tonight"

"Oh so you're not coming?" I shook my head biting my nails nervously.

"Ight whatever I'll hit you up later. Tell your mama I said bye"

"So that's your friend?" Jay asked once Khalil left. "Yeah, I've known him since I was 5" I shrugged trying not to spill too much detail about Khalil and I's relationship to avoid slipping up.

"You know I go back to LA in a few days" he told me.

"Yeah I know"

"I feel like you've been distant with me. I know you said you're fine but I wanna know the truth. Why you've been acting strange?"

I sighed looking up at him. "What if I told you I didn't want to do music no more"


"I've just got so much going on in my life right now and I don't think pursuing a music career is the right thing for me to do"

"Are you serious right now? After all the shit I've been through to get you on! Is this because of your mom?" He shouted.

"NO! I'm just going through some shit right now things you wouldn't understand" I argued.

"So you're done for real?"

"I need some time for myself..." I took a deep breath and slowly slipped off the ring he gave me for my birthday.

I grabbed his hand as tears fell from my eyes. He frowned as I placed the ring in his hand. "Jayceon I love you, you know I do but we can't be together no more. Things aren't working out between us. I'm sorry"


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