One Door Closes...

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The Finale: Since I haven't updated this in a while I recommend you read the last couple of chapters to remind you of what has happened...


"He's gone." I cried as we waited outside my son, Xayn's (Zayn) hospital room as doctors rushed in and out covered in his blood.

"Don't say that Nicki!" Jay snapped. "Why not it's true. My baby boy is lying in there dead and it's all my fault."

"He's not dead mom stop!" Xiomara said.

(Xiomara Aka Marz)

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(Xiomara Aka Marz)

"What happened to him wasn't  your fault." She added. "I shouldn't have let him go to that party." I mumbled to myself.

"Family of Xayn Taylor?" One of the doctors said. "I'm his mother." I said standing up. "We've managed to put him in a stable condition but he will need surgery. The first bullet in his stomach was removed luckily but the second one has severely damaged his kidney." She explained.

"He'll need a transplant. The lists for a transplant match tends to be long so in this situation we usually look to the parents." I didn't hesitate to agree. "We'll do it."

"Okay, I'll need to take some tests,it's usually one parent that is the match so I need to check which one." (I don't know if this is true or not... Everything's made up😩)

"I'll go first."

"Just follow me, this way."

Xayn had been in the hospital two days now and they finally let us in his room. Jay and Marz went home while I was sat by my baby's bedside.

"I'm so sorry Xayn, I love you so much baby boy." I cried holding his hand. He was still unconscious and had tubes to help him breathe.

"Are you fucking kidding me!" Jay yelled storming into the room. "Why you yelling?!" I frowned.

"Who's his father?" He asked pointing at Xayn. "What are you talking about?" I furrowed my eyebrows, confused.

"Don't play dumb! I got the results back a few days ago. And guess what neither of us were a match." He said referring to our transplant test results.

"That doesn't mean anything!" I argued. The doctor assured us that we had nothing to worry about if we weren't a match.

"Yeah I thought that too. But my curiosity got the better of me so I got a DNA test done." He said whilst pulling out an envelope from his pocket.

"YOU TESTED OUR SON!" I yelled angrily. "You mean YOUR son!"

"So I'm going to ask you this again. Who's his father?" He asked more calmly.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2017 ⏰

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