Chapter 31

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**30 votes and 5 REAL comments for an update. So once you've finished reading please vote & Comment **

One Month Later •

"I've made my decision." He initially had a smile on his face until I finished my sentence. "I'm so sorry Jay but I can't go."

He stepped back and gave me a confused expression. "Why not?! You love me right?!"

I nodded quickly. "Yeah of course I do but I'm not a kid anymore I can't just pack up and move in with you." I sighed looking down nervously.
"It's not just me anymore. There's Marz, Khalil..."

"And Shakur."

"Are you trying to tell me you chose that nigga over me?" He asked angrily. I grabbed his hand trying to calm him down. "I'm sorry Jay, it wasn't like that."

"I had to sit and weigh up my options, and I figured that staying here was the best choice, I need a secure environment to raise my daughter."

"You could have had that with me." He argued.

I shook my head. "You and I both know that isn't true. Don't you remember how it was when I did live with you?"

"Yeah but we've both grown up and matured-."

"Jay don't make me feel bad about this please. I'm doing what's best for my daughter."

"Nicki!" Xiomara sung happily climbing into my lap as I sat scrolling through old pictures of Jay and I.

"Hey baby." I smiled kissing her forehead and tickling her sides.

"You sad?" She asked reaching up to hold my face in the palms if her little hands.

"A little... I could do with one of your hugs." I said and she wrapped her arms around me tightly.

She pulled away and looked at me. "Why you sad?

"Because my friend Jay left last night."

"Where's he going?" She asked. "Back home to LA."

"Oh... Don't be sad." She said laying her head on my chest.

I heard the door open and close before Shakur made his way over to us. "Hey."

"I brought you some food."


"Nicki's sad Shaq." Xiomara told him.
He nodded and sat next to us. "I see..."

"Xi can you go play for a minute so I can speak to Nicki?" He asked her.

"But she sad." She pouted. "Xi listen to Shakur please."

He waited until she was out of sight before he pulled me in closer. "So by the looks of you I'm guessing he left then."

I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder. "Nic why would you stay if your not happy here?"

I looked up at him and cupped his face as I moved so I was straddling him. "I am that's the problem! I know it might sound crazy but I wish I could have both of y'all." He lifted my chin softly and kissed me.

"I already told you how I feel about you. I love you but I'm not forcing you to stay."

A Week Later •
~ Jayceon ~

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I opened my front door revealing Nicki.

"You don't look happy to see me at all." She said stepping past me and into my house.

I closed the door and turned to face her. "No I am it just a surprise I thought you were staying."

"I was but I have some big news and I wanted to tell you it in person."

"Okay..." She nodded and started looking through her bag. "Where is it?" She asked herself after 10 seconds.

"I'm sure I put it in here somewhere." She mumbled before I knew it she poured out the entire contents of her bag on the floor. "Nic-"

"Found it!" She yelled and stood up with something in her hand, she stepped over the mess she made on the floor and handed me the thing she was holding.

"What's this?" I knew what it was I just didn't understand why she was giving it to me.

"It's a test..." She said slowly. "And it's positive..."

"Congratulations daddy." She whispered with a small smile on her face.

"You mean-" I started and she nodded placing her right hand on her belly. "Yeah... Your gonna be a father. I hope you're not mad at me."

She moved her hair behind her ear and bit her lip a habit she had when she was nervous. "I took 5 of those all with the same results but I just brought the one to show you. I still-"

"Your pregnant." I said and she nodded slowly.

"I'm gonna be a dad?"

"Yeah. I flew out here as soon as I found out I didn't want to leave it like I did with Xiomara and-"

I didn't realise it before but right now hearing her say shes carrying my child made me realise I loved her beyond a boyfriend girlfriend type of love, I was ready to make her my wife. "Marry me."

She chuckled shaking her head. "Jay what-"

"I want you to marry me. I haven't got a ring on me right now but we can go out and get one today or tomorrow if you like but right now I need you to say you'll marry me."

"Marriage I'm 21-" I cut her off, I didn't want to hear her excuse of being too young.

"And on your second baby. Age don't mean nothing. I'm in love with you and I'm not letting you go this time."

She smiled to herself . "Ask me again."

I nodded and got down on one knee in front of her, I grabbed her hand gently. "Nicole Khari Blake will you marry me?"

"Yeah." She whispered as tears made their way out of her eyes and down her cheeks.

"What was that?"

"I said yes! Now kiss me!" She laughed grabbing my face.


"Meet me at the alter in your white dress, we ain't getting no younger so we might as well do it. Been feeling you all the while girl I must confess, let's get married" 💍👰🏽
^ Little throwback for you guys.
There's less than 5 chapters left!

30 votes and 5 REAL comments for an update.

-Nicki's pregnant!
-Jay proposed!
-What about Xiomara?
-How do you think she's gonna cope with two children?
-Do you think they should get married?
-TeamShakur or TeamJay?

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