Chapter 15

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So my mixtape is finally complete which means it's the day I've been waiting for, the day all my friends and some of the biggest names in the industry get to listen to my music.

Everyone who was somebody was here. Jayceon had all the biggest producers out here in hope that they'll help produce my debut album.

Jay and I haven't spoken in months but he blows up my phone every once in a while apologising and claiming he loves me.


"Nicki?" I turned around frowning because I didn't recognise the voice calling me.

"Oh its you... Hi" I smiled shyly.
"So you really write everything you spit?" He asked in a shocked tone I nodded giggling.
"Yep it's all me"

"My dad seems to be taking and interest in you, he keeps banging on about trying to steal you from Game and sign you to Bad Boy"

"Really?" I was stunned that Diddy actually considered signing me. I grew up listening to Big, Mase etc .

"Yeah but enough about him. You busy next Saturday?" I turned away shyly trying to hide my smile.

"Why? You Tryna take me out?"

"Yeah" I held out my hand. "Gimme your phone"

He unlocked it then handed it to me, I saved my number then handed it back to him.

"I'll see you around" I winked.

A couple months Later

"No baby, you know I don't like surprises" I pouted looking up at him.

"I know but I promise you'll like this one" He laughed flicking my bottom lip, I quickly pulled away.

"What's wrong?" I shook my head. "It's nothing" I lied.

"Well come back here so I can show you your surprise" he said wrapping his arms around my waist, I reached up and locked my arms around his neck.

"Thank you" I said and pecked his lips. "Anything for my princess" I smiled.

"For real baby I can't believe you did all this for me."

"It's your birthday you deserve to be spoiled"
"Now put this on" I sighed and finally let him put the blind fold on me.

"You couldn't put this shit on after we got in the car?" I asked holding my arms out in front of me trying to find my way to the car without falling over.

"my bad baby, here" he took it off me and we both walked over to his car.

"alright put it back on now" he handed it back to me. I couldn't lie I was excited to see what he had planned for my surprise. I just hated being left out on things and the suspense was killing me, he's literally been talking about this surprise he had for me for weeks.

"Okay we're here" I heard him leave the car, then my door open. "Come on birthday princess" I held my hand out and he grabbed it and led me to this 'secret location'.

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