Chapter 18

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"I've been trying to call you all week! What happened"

"My bad baby I was busy"

"Doing what? How could you be so busy that you don't have time to answer or even respond to my calls and texts!" I said frustratedly.

"I've been taking care of some business. Why you trippin"

"Trippin? Nigga when a girl calls her 'boyfriend' 5 times and doesn't get a reply she deserves to asks questions" I argued putting extra emphasis on the word Boyfriend.

"Look Nic whatever I didn't call to argue with you I just wanted to check up on how you're coping being back home"

I sighed at him trying to be sincere by actually caring about how I've been these last couple of weeks.

"I'm okay I guess but Jay I really need to talk to you about something" I took s deep breath and prepared to finish what I was saying but he started talking over me.

"Baby I'll call you back-"

"NO! Is this how things are gonna be from now on. You constantly putting work before me?!" I yelled wiping my tears. I felt like I was taking this relationship seriously whereas he saw it as a big joke.

"I said I gotta go Nic. Bye" He hung up. I threw my phone down angrily.

He never even told me he loved me and I was getting tired of being the only person calling, the phone worked both ways.

"He's so irritating" I said to my self followed by the sound of someone clearing their throat I looked up seeing my mom stood leaning against the door.

"Hi baby I heard yelling is everything okay?" She asked sympathetically.

"I'm fine" I lied I couldn't tell her the truth because I really didn't want to sit up here and have to listen to her 'I told you so speech'

~One week later~ Jayceon

"Who was that?" Lo asked rudely steeping into my office as Tasha left

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"Who was that?" Lo asked rudely steeping into my office as Tasha left.

"A friend" I stated cleaning the mess on my desk.

"Friend? I suppose you let all your friends kiss on your lips, leave lipstick stains all over your shirt oh yeah and suck ya dick" She replied sarcastically.

"Shut up lo, why you in my space? What do you want?" She rolled her eyes and helped me sort out all the papers on my desk.

"Nicki called. She said she wanted to talk to you about something and by the way she was speaking It sounded important." I shook my head while I looked through one of my artists;Mariahlynn's file.

"You can't keep avoiding her Jay! Whether you feel the same or not, she loves you" Lo said raising her voice at me.

"I love her too that's my baby, I didn't say I didn't love her, I've just been a little distracted lately with all these new artist I just signed."

"Really? So you cheating every other night is you loving her and focusing on your artist right? I can't believe you Jayceon. You had us all fooled thinking you changed for her but it was just an act."

"Don't come in my office telling me all that shit Lo!"

"I'm telling you because I care! About both of y'all and ion want this petty bullshit going on between you two to hurt either of you guys in the future"

"I can handle myself just make sure if Nicki call you don't say shit"
She sucked her teeth and left making sure to slam the door shut behind her.

Nic✨💍- I need to talk to you. Call me.

I know she's been feeling like I've been avoiding her since I've left, but that wasn't the case I was busy and had my own business to handle.

Nic✨💍- I'm getting tired of your shit Jayceon I'm staring to think my mama was right about you.

Me- Wtf you talking bout? Acting all crazy! I told you I've been working, I'll call you later.

Nic✨💍- Don't. I'm done

I frowned looking at the message for a while until my phone locked. I knew she wasn't done no matter what she said she loved me and that isn't ever gonna change.

I think.


Sorry it's short but this chapter is really just a filler.
I've been writing a lot lately and have 3 completed chapters so far to post after this.

So can you guys get chapter 17 to 20 votes and this one to 15 so I can update.

Thank you for reading. I really appreciate it.

P.s all feedback is welcomed so don't be shy to comment❤️

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