Chapter 5

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"You ready to go baby?" I nodded he held out his hand and I grabbed it smiling.

"Want me to take you home?" He asked as he began driving. "I was gonna go to the studio actually" he nodded and turned the corner towards the studio.

"Alright I'll see you tomorrow" he stretched over to pulling my face close till our lips connected. I blushed as we pulled away.

"You wanna come inside?"

I was sat with a pen and pad writing my latest song but he kept distracting me.

"Trey stop" I placed my hand on his chest pushing him away.
"Relax baby" He pulled my pen out my hand and placed his hands on my thighs.

He slid me onto his lap and held me down by my waist.
I locked my arms around his neck and whispered against his lips "I've got work to do baby"

"You need a break" I felt his hands snake their way up my shirt as he kissed in my neck.
"Stop" I moaned but he continued.
"Trey. please" I pushed his head away from my neck.

"Come on Nic you know you want it " I shook my head and stood up.
"Get out" I pointed towards the door.
He began chuckling and I frowned.

"It's not funny Trey. GET out" I repeated.
Suddenly he ran towards me and pinned my wrists up against the wall.

"What are you doing?" I asked trying my best to fight him.

"Just give me what I want and I'll leave you alone" He then pulled up my skirt with his right hand as the left was tightly wrapped around my wrists.

I stopped him before his hand could go up any further.

"Please Trey I don't want to" I cried.
"Shut up Nicki" he roughly threw me on the couch.
"STOP" I pushed him off as he tried to kiss on me.

I then felt his fist come in collision with my jaw. "Sit still" He growled.
I watched in fear as he unbuckled his pants.
"I didn't want to hurt you but you keep fighting me" He said stroking my hair.

"YO WHAT YHE FUCK?!" We both looked towards the door.
"GET OFF HER!" He grabbed him off me and threw him on the ground. He then began pounding him in the face repeatedly.

I pulled my skirt back down and stood over them shaking. At first Trey tried to fight him but he just continued hitting him.

I noticed Trey stopped moving and began to panic. "Jay" I cried but he was so angry he blacked out and couldn't her me.

"Jay that's enough" I weakly grabbed his shoulders causing him to look up at me.

He got up off the ground and stood in front of me "You okay?" I nodded small.
"He hurt you?" He grabbed my wrist cautiously and analysed the light bruises.

"Come here" He pulled me into his embrace and repeatedly whispered that everything was gonna be okay. I felt safe.

Our moment was short lived when we heard Trey groan in pain.

Jay pulled him off the ground by his collar and pulled out a gun holding it against Treys head.

"You see this?" Trey nodded wiping away the blood from his bleeding mouth.

"You come any where near her and 4 bullets will be going right here" he pushed it against his head.

"Jay stop" he ignored me and continued to torture Trey by waving the gun in his face.
"I said stop!" I cried but to my surprise he put his anger to me.

"SHUT UP NICOLE!" I shook my head in disbelief and watched him drag Trey outside.


I swear I'd never been this mad in my life. After I'd thrown him out I returned back inside to see Nicki balled up in the corner crying.

I sat down beside her and pulled her into my arms I reached up to tuck a stray hair behind her ear but she slapped me away.

"Leave me alone" she pulled out of my grip and shifted further away crying.

"I'm not leaving you like this so stop fighting me baby girl" I slid her onto my lap and she finally calmed down allowing me to comfort her.

"I know you probably don't want to talk about it but did he-" she quickly shook her head no before I could finish my sentence.

"You want me to call Lo to come get you or your mom?"
"No" she laid her head on my chest and closed her eyes.

"I just wanna be here...with you." she whispered.

"I got you baby girl, I promise I won't let anyone hurt you again" I said honestly. Seeing her like this sparked something inside me I'd never felt before. There was no way I'd ever let her get this close to being hurt like that ever again.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of her light snores. She was beautiful. "I'm sorry baby girl" I whispered pecking her forehead although I really wanted to feel her lips I didn't want to seem like I was taking advantage of her so I settled for her forehead.

It took about another 10 minutes for my eyes to grow heavy before I eventually fell asleep with her in my arms.


I woke up in Jay's arms and remembered everything that happened causing a frown to form on my face.

"Jay" "Jayceon" I tapped his cheeks until he opened his eyes.
"What happened? Are you okay?" He sat up panicking which I found cute.

"I'm fine. a little tired tho. I don't want Lo to see me like this so can we just go back to your place?" I batted my eyelashes and pouted.

"Alright I think you've got everything you need in here, If you need me I'll be down the hall"
As soon as he left I didn't feel safe anymore.

I closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep but every time I tried Treys face would appear.

After an hour of fighting my imagination I decided to go find Jay, he did say if I needed him I could go to him and I needed him right now.

"Jay" I opened his bedroom door. "Jay" I called out a little louder but he was in deep sleep.

I really didn't want to disturb him but I could go back in that room alone.
I watched him for a while before I finally built up the courage to approach him.

I crawled into his bed and laid beside him hoping I didn't wake him, closing my eyes I tried to sleep but I felt his strong arms wrap around my waist and pull me into him so that my back was against his chest and his head buried in the crook of my neck.

I smiled small and placed my hand on top of his and fell asleep feeling safe wrapped in his embrace.


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