Chapter 25

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"Nicole tell me why that boy has been sat outside my house for the last half hour."

I rolled my eyes making my way over to the window which she was peeping out of.

"Mom I honestly have no idea who you're talking about"

"That drug dealer boy that's got you love struck" she stated pointing as his car parked right outside the house.

"One I'm not love struck and two he's not a drug dealer, he's an entrepreneur." I argued slipping on my pink fenty slides.

"Well he's got you running around doing shit like you stupid and ain't got no sense." She complained as usual still analysing every detail of Shakur's car.

Again I rolled my eyes and waved her off. "Whatever Ma. I'll go see what he wants."

When I reached his car I sat in the passenger seat and faced him.
"I told you about this already! You can't just be pulling up outside my mama house like this. You know she don't like you and you're just making it worse."

He shook his head and pulled out a stack of 100s out if his glove compartment. "I came to give you this but since you got a attitude I won't."

I grabbed his hand stopping him from putting it back. "Wait...I'm sorry I'm just a little on edge the results are meant to be coming in this week."

"Take this and buy you and baby girl some new stuff." He said placing the money in my hand.

"I'll be back in a few hours to-"
I bit my lip nervously before cutting him off mid sentence. 

"Shakur I'm late."

"Late for what?" He frowned tracing the rim of my shorts.
"I know you're not going nowhere dressed like that-"

"No. I mean I'm late as in..." I mumbled not wanting to state the obvious in attempt to deny what was happening.

"You serious?" He asked me throwing his head back. "I can't deal with this shit right now" I heard him mumble to himself but I still heard.

"Why would I lie?" I frowned.

He leaned forward and looked in my direction. "Well what are you gonna do?"

"You mean what are WE gonna do." I corrected him. I was not about to go through this shit by myself again.

"No I said it right the first time."

"I got somewhere to be right now. So just take a test and do whatever you want" he shrugged.

"Really Shakur?"

"What you want me to say? I'm being honest here, I don't really care what happens. It's your choice"
I shook my head at him in disbelief and stepped out of the car making sure to slam the door as hard as possible.

I looked back and crossed my arms over my chest. "I HATE YOU SO MUCH SHAKUR. YOU'RE SUCH A FUCKING FUCK BOY!" Before I knew it he jumped out of the car and charged at me.

He grabbed my jaw roughly. "Watch your mouth you fucking bitch, don't make me do something I will regret." He said through gritted teeth as I clawed at his hand trying to get him off of me.

"Now do what I said. Take a fuxking test and decide what YOU wanna do." He let go and I ran back into my house.

"What was that about?" My mom asked me as I walked through the house panting.

"Nothing." I lied.

"oh Nicki I found this it must have got mixed up with my mail." She said stopping me before I could go up to my room.

"Thanks." I sighed taking the envelope from her knowing what it was.

"Great now I have this to deal with too" I whispered opening it slowly. I quickly scanned over the words until I reached the important part.

"What does it say?" She asked looking over my shoulder at the letter.

"Exactly what I thought it would. Here" I handed it to her.

"I'm going to T's for a while." She nodded while still starting at the letter.

"Wassup hoe" T waved stuffing popcorn in her mouth.

"Hey" I whispered throwing my self onto the couch next to her.

"What happened now?"

"I got the results for the DNA test."I told her.

She widened her eyes. "So who's her daddy?"

"Is it-" she began to ask but I cut her off by holding my hand up.

"Yeah" I nodded slowly letting a few tears escape from my eyes.

She pouted and pulled me into a hug. "Well we knew that already this just proves what we already know."

"I guess. So where's Marz & Cai?"

"Jody took them out for some ice cream."

"Again? I swear that baby loves her some ice cream. Everyday she wants to have some." Just then the door opened and in walked Jody with his son Cairo and Xiomara.

"Nicki!"She smiled scooping sone more ice cream onto her spoon, "Hey Xi"

"Can I have some?" I asked and she handed me the spoon slowly.

"Stop. That's too much." She complained pushing me away with the palms of her hands when she felt I had too much of her treat.

I giggled and stuck my tongue out at her. "Greedy... CAI! Your just gonna walk in and not say hi"

"Hi NicNic" he giggled running into my arms.

"Hello baby boy. Someone's turning 5 on Thursday" I smiled kissing his cheek.


"What do you want?" He took a deep breath before telling me a whole list of all the stuff he wanted for his birthday.

"Okay okay." I giggled cutting him off. "That's quite a lot but I'll see what I can do."

"Thanks for watching her today" I said to Jody and T.
"You're welcome girl I know you needed this break. Whenever you need me to watch her again I'm here."

"I love you T" I said pulling her into a hug. "Jody take care of my best friend and baby boy....Xi get your stuff were about to leave."


*Btw if you see anyone say Marz they're talking about Xiomara, Marz and Xi are her nicknames.

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