Chapter 17

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"Get up" I sighed pulling the covers over my head and tried my best to ignore her. "Get. Up"

"I'm up" I sat up leaning against the headboard. "I want to talk to you" She said sitting at the end of my bed.

"I warned you about this Nicki"
"I know but like I said, it just happened I didn't intend on falling in love with him"

"Love? Baby girl you've just turned 18. You don't know what love is" I rolled my eyes at her telling me what I should know and how I should feel.

"But I do. And I love him" I argued.

"Well I'm not gonna sit here and watch him use you because that's all he's doing. Using you, you're not the first and I promise you won't be the last"

"Mom!" I heard my brother yell.
"What I'm trying to say Nicki is-"

"Lucky's calling you" I cleared my throat looking down.

"Fine" she held up her hands and stood up. "I'm just saying this because I care" She gave me a lose hug and kissed my forehead telling me she loved me before leaving.

Jay❤️: "Hey beautiful"
"Hi" I said bluntly.
Jay❤️: "what's up? Why you sound so.."
"I don't want to talk about it"
Jay❤️: "Switch it on face time"

"Aye why you crying?" He frowned once he saw my face. "I need to get out of here" I cried running my fingers through my hair.

"Like I said before, if you want me to come get you just say"

"I wish it was that easy. Did you think she was joking when she warned you about staying away?"

"I don't care. If you're not happy there I'll come get you and bring you back here with me"

"Look baby I gotta go, I'll call you back later"
"Bye" he hung up before I could finish my sentence.

"Arg" I screamed into my pillow. Everything was going wrong for me, just a couple of days ago I was the happiest girl in the world but now I was the complete opposite.
I hated my life.

"Nicki! Someone's here to see you!" My mom yelled just as I reached the last step

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"Nicki! Someone's here to see you!" My mom yelled just as I reached the last step.

"Who is- oh. What are you doing here?" I rolled my eyes once I saw Khalil stood with a stupid smirk on his face.

"Don't be rude" she said glaring at me.

"Nah it's alright Mrs B I know she missed me" I sighed grabbing his arm dragging him along with me.

"Hurry up!" I whined pulling him up the stairs to my room.

"So what's this I'm hearing about you bring locked up in your room" he chuckled getting in my bed.

"Excuse me!" I yelled "Get out my bed with your street clothes."

"Stop with all that yelling and come here" I sighed getting in next to him.

Once I was comfortable I laid my head on his chest. "So how was LA?" He asked resting his hand on my waist pulling me close.

"Good I guess, I made some new friends" I shrugged. "Well your mama told me you dating some rapper"

"It doesn't matter any more she cut that shit right off when she found out" he laughed shaking his head. "You know how she is, you're her only daughter she's just trying to look out for you"

"Well I wish she'd mind her own business. If this is a mistake like she said it is then she needs to let me make it" I pouted.

"Stop pouting Nic damn, all up in your feelings and shit. You hungry or something?"

"K! Have you not been listening to anything I've been saying?"

"Yeah I heard but I'm asking if your hungry" I sat up and threw my head back exhaling loudly.

I hated that he knew me so well because he was taking advantage of it. He obviously didn't want to hear about Jay and I so he decided to shut me up with changing the subject to food knowing I couldn't resist.

"What do you want to eat?" He pinched my thigh pulling me out of my thoughts.

"owe Khalil!" I whined slapping his arm.
He sat up and hovered over me. "I'm serious" he licked his lips and leaned in closer so our faces were only inches apart. "What do you want to eat?"

"Pizza" I whispered. "Alright go get ready I'll take you" He pecked my lips twice and rolled over so I could get up.

"Who's that?"K asked trying to look at the screen of my phone.

"Mind your business"

"That your boyfriend?"
"I wish... It's my mom asking where I am" he chuckled shaking his head. "It's not funny" I threw a olive from my pizza at him. "Ever since I got back she's been checking up on me ALL the time."

"Well she knows I'm with you so why's she so worried?" I shrugged texting her back telling her where I was and who I was with just like she asked.

"I feel like a prisoner in my own home"

"Nicki!" My brother yelled stepping into my room.

"What Nico? Why are you in my room?" He continued to chew on whatever he was chewing on and sat next to me.

"Go say sorry to mom"

"What?!" I yelled. "She should be apologising to me. She practically dragged me out of that house! Do you know how embarrassing that was?"

"I don't care. All I know is you were out in LA thinking you're grown when in reality you're just a little girl"

"Get out my room Nico"

"Look Nic you're my baby sister and I love you but I can't sit and watch you make these stupid decisions-"

"Nothing you say is gonna change anything. Like I told mom and everybody else that's been in my business lately, It wasn't planned it just happened and I'm glad it did. I love him and he loves me"

"You really believe that?" He chuckled and I frowned not knowing what it was that he found funny.

"Don't say we didn't warn you. Good luck little sis "


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