Chapter 32

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~ Nicki

"Go best friend that's my best friend"

"T you're so stupid!" I laughed at her as she began twerking

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"T you're so stupid!" I laughed at her as she began twerking.

"What I can't celebrate my bestie on her big day?" She giggled walking over to me. "You look amazing."


She leaned over and rubbed my bump. "How's my god baby doing in there?"

I sighed and moved her hand on my side where I felt movement. "Feels like he's started his own soccer team, he won't stop kicking."

"Look." I mumbled pointing at the space where he was kicking hard.

"Oh my god! What's that?!" She yelled, widening her eyes. I giggled shaking my head.

"Relax. It's his foot see." I ran my fingers across the area and immediately he stopped kicking making me smile. "He thinks I'm playing with him."

"Aww that's cute."

"Yeah it might look cute but he's sitting right on my bladder I feel like I'm gonna pee myself every 5 minutes." I pouted. "It wasn't like this with Xiomara." I confessed. My pregnancy with Xiomara was completely different, I didn't gain that much weight and I didn't have any weird cravings.

"Excuse me?" I called out to my hair dresser as she applied several hair products in my hair.

"Yes ma'am?"

"I'm sorry to bother you but can I go use the bathroom before you start please?" I asked. She gave me a friendly smile and nodded. "Yeah sure. I know how it feels I've had two sets of twins."

"Two? Wow."
She laughed and nodded.

"Are you almost done?" My mom asked walking into the room.

"Yeah she's gonna finish my hair then I'll put on my dress. Can you stay to help me with it?" She nodded. "Yeah I was gonna go check on Marz then come back."

"She's still sleeping?" I asked, the last time I saw Xiomara was an hour ago and she was sleeping.

"No your uncle Q just got here and be sneaking her candy for that last half hour thinking I ain't notice."

"Uncle Q's here!" I asked excitedly.

"Yeah seeing him and Marz reminds me of you and how he use to spoil you."

"I wasn't spoiled!" I argued.

"Yes you were. Anything you asked he got you,it was the same with grandma." She said looking down and I know she felt some type of way about mentioning my grandma. They were so close.

"I wish she was here." I admitted. "Me too baby girl... I'll be right back."

"That's your mom?" The hairdresser Tanya asked once my mom left out the room. "Yeah."

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