Chapter 6

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"Aye puff puff pass nigga!" I laughed at my boy Dre who was hogging the blunt.

"Chill, I need this more than the rest of you" he pointed at everyone in the room.
"Pass it!" Lucky yelled and Dre reached over to pass it to me, before I was able to place it between my lips my phone rang.

I sighed passing the blunt along and answered the phone.
Me:"what?" I yelled.
Lady: Urm I'm calling from Nicole's school

I rubbed my hand over my face knowing it was going to be something bad.
Me: What did she do now.

This was a routine for me every week this f*cking school will call complaining about Nicki.

Lady: she got into a physical altercation with another student and may I remind you that we don't promote violence at this school Mr Taylor.
Me: I'll be there in an hour.

I hung up angrily. Nicki really needed to get herself together because I can't keep dealing with her bullshit.


I walked into the building and saw Nicki sat scrolling through her phone.

I marched over to her and grabbed it out of her hand throwing it on the floor causing the screen to crack.
"YO WTF?!" She shouted standing up.

"Get your shit and get in the car"
She rolled her eyes at me and bent down right in front of me to pick up the phone.

I stepped back and shook my head.
"Meet me in the car" I walked out.

"You're going to buy me another phone" Was the first thing she said as she sat down.

"What did I tell you last week?" She shrugged her shoulders looking out of the window. I grabbed her face and turned it to face me.
"What did I say?!" I asked louder, she slapped my hand away and spoke.

"You said if you get called here for me one more time that you'll reduce my studio time" she whispered.
"I'm glad you remember but there's been a change. Studio time won't be reduced it will be taken away" she turned to me shocked.

"That's not fair Jay" she crossed her arms over her chest.
"If I can't trust you to go to f*cking school how the f*ck can I trust you to work in the studio" She stayed silent.

The rest of the ride back to Lo's was quiet.
I stepped out the car with her and walked her to the door.

"You know I shouldn't have to deal with your bullshit, I'm not your parent. Shit I should just send you back home with your mother" Her head shot up and she looked at me with glossy eyes.

"Please Jay don't" I took her keys from her hand and opened the door ignoring her plea but instead of going inside she stood staring at me.

"I'm sorry" I felt her hands against my torso as she snaked her arms around my body.
"Please Jay ion wanna go" She looked up into my eyes and I saw the desperation in hers.

This Chapter was overdue sorry.

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