Chapter 24

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~ Nicki ~

"Xi can you stop running please?" I said looking up from my phone at Xiomara who was running in circles around the couch I was sat on.

"Xiomara" I warned when she ran past me again.

"Little girl I swear" she stopped and looked at me giggling. "You think it's funny? Run past me again and we'll see if it's funny." She cut her eyes at me and ran off.

I sat in silence exchanging messages between Tiny and Draya on my phone for 5 minutes until Xiomara appeared again.

I grabbed her arm roughly throwing her in the couch.

"Owe" She cried scratching at my arm.


"Hey! Hey!" Shakur said walking over to her. "She yelled at me" Xi cried as he picked her up.

"Ignore her princess she's just mad because she don't know who her baby daddy is"

I widened my eyes and slapped him. "Don't say that"

"Well don't yell at the baby"  he replied.

"She's my child I can do what I want with her."

"Look I know you stressed out with this whole baby daddy shit but don't take it out on her. It's not her fault"

I frowned crossing my arms. "Oh so it's mine?"

"I have to go." I grabbed my phone and bag leaving.

"Where you going? You can't just leave me with her I can't-" I heard him say as I stepped out of the door.

I sighed staring at my phone as my thumb hovered over the call icon for the fifth time today.

Come on Nicki you can do this. I said to my self trying to work up the courage to  do what my imagination had restricted me to.

"Hi it's Nicki" I stuttered shocked that he even answered my call.

"What do you want Nicole?"

"Talk. I want to talk"

The line went silent for about 10 seconds until he spoke again. "I'm busy so say what you wanna say quickly"

"Please Jay. It's about Xiomara" I begged making sure to mention Xiomara's name so he would at least consider listening to me.

"Alright. I'm at Nas's studio, you know where that is?"

"Yeah I think I do."

"I'll text you the address just in case."

"Okay I'll be there in 20 minutes, thank you I really appreci-" he hung up before I had the chance to finish my sentence.

"Hey" I waved shyly stepping into the studio where both Jay and Nas were free styling.

"Nicki? This little Nicki that you signed couple years back?" Nas asked in a surprised tone approaching me.

"Hello Nasir" I giggled holding my arms out for a hug but he declined. "Nah you don't get no hug. When I heard your mixtape I wanted to work with you, I reached out to Game and all, then he told me you quit music. I was mad for a week straight."

"Aww I'm sorry. I would have loved to work with you" I said honestly.

I heard Jay clear his throat. "I'ma give you some space I'll be in the next room."

"Don't leave without getting my number" he told me before he left the room.

We stood in an awkward silence until I felt it was my duty to start up a conversation.

"Thanks for agreeing to meet with me" I mumbled.

"Yeah well you said we had something important to discuss" he said referring to Xiomara.

"Can we sit?" I asked pointing to the silver leather couch. "Ight" we walked over to it together and sat down.

"I wanna start by saying im really sorry" I felt tears falls from my eyes as I prepared to tell him.

"Jay I'm really sorry. I know I said she wasn't your daughter...but there is a chance she could actually be yours"
He clenched his fists together and placed his elbows on his knees.

"Say something... Please." I begged. I reached for his hand but he pulled away.


"I'm sorry. I really thought she was Khalil's" I said truthfully.

"So what made you change your mind?"

I shrugged wiping away a few of my tears. "I fucked up Jay. I was young and stupid. I was under a lot of pressure and I acted on it."

"Shut the fuck up Nicki. You always want to play the victim. Stop fuxking crying cause if your trying to make me feel sorry for you it's not working"

He stood up and walked to the door. I watched on edge as he reached for the door handle and opened it.

"Get out"

"What? No Jay we need to-"
"Get out"

"So I'm just suppose to leave and that's it? What about our daughter?"

"Im gonna get DNA test done and IF she's mine then I'll step up and be her father. I won't abandon my child based on how I feel for her mother."

"You can leave now"

"Oh and Nicki" I turned on my heels to face him.


"For your sake, I really hope I didn't miss out on 3 years of my daughters life because if you."

"Are you threatening me?"

"Take it as you want" he shrugged.


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