031 ▍teach is a menace

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- who is theo?

- who is theo?

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MAVIS LEFT the house after saying her goodbyes and goodluck to the crew and of course to cricket. they were curious on how to she would travel because she just mentioned that her ship was destroyed but no questions were asked as she left in a rush because it was already night.

taking out an eternal pose back to moonlight island, she prepared herself for a long trip back, using her devil fruit that long still does numbers of fatigue and side effects on her body but she has no choice. asking for a ship to get her will take longer than planned.

watering the flowers and other plants in front of the mansion because of boredom is really something, you did asked theo to bake you a cake a few minutes ago so you needed to wait and this is why you're here standing with a water sprinkler in hand, watering the plants. isn't that cute a pirate who's head costs for more than a million, watering her flowers.

suddenly kurose was beside you, did he jump down from the third floor? and you get scolded for jumping down the window sometimes. he handed you a den den mushi, "it's doflamingo, he says the meeting is finished." giving him a knowing look and nodding, taking the den den mushi from his hands.

he smiled and took the water sprinkler from your hands and finished off the job. it looked like flowers were around him when he watered the rest of the plants while humming, making you blink for a couple of times.

letting kurose be, you walked back to the veranda and sat on one of the chairs. "doll you're taking way too long to talk." you laughed seeing the den den mushi make a scowling face. "i'm finding a good shade okay, calm down. now tell me."

ah yes, gossiping with doflamingo.

"fufufu it was only kuma and i who attended at first then came hawkeye," he started. you were beyond hearing that, "wow really? mihawk attended? that's the first."

"then some random clown intruded his way to the meeting." seeing the den den mushi's face knitting his eyesbrown makes you more curious on what happened. "he recommended someone, and i think you know this someone." this made you think, who would that be.

no! it can't be. "don't tell me, it's-" you were cut off by doflamingo, confirming your suspicions. "yes, doll. he recommended teach to have the position."

"did they give it to him???" you asked more liked yelled, panicking. "no, not yet that is. they'll give it to him if he does something that will benefit the navy." this made you calm down for a bit, but that does not make it reassuring. teach will do anything that he wants, not thinking about others.

you facepalmed and started to think of all the possibilities he could do to get the agreement withe the marines.

"you know, they won't give him that position if you take it-" now it was your turn to cut doflamingo off. "no, i will never. i will not stoop down that low, even after all this years, i may have know people from the navy that i call friends but still, i will not forgive them for what they have done."

"fufufu, i see, my apologies for bringing up then."

"you really apologized?"

"you being angry is scary did you know that."

"yes i am fully aware."

not long after your call with doflamingo ended, kurose once again called you, saying mavis has already arrived. that was faster than expected, it took her a day and a half which is not really a good record as her body was strained from travelling via devil fruit, good thing she didn't fall into the sea.

"captaaaaaainnnnn, i'm bacckkk!" she exclaimed, on the floor, almost wheezing for oxygen yet still has the power to scream. "kurose take her to the medic clinic, have valeria take a look at her." kurose nodded and proceeded to take mavis by force she denied being taken to the clinic. "wait, kurose please. i need to talk to captain!"

"do it when you're not wheezing for oxygen." kurose replied still carrying her like a sack of potatoes. "wait, please! cap! [name]! he was there!" kurose paused and turned to you.

"who, mavis? who was there?" both you and kurose asked.

she took a long breath, before lookng at you directly in the eye, "teach was at jaya!" she yelled. "he was more stronger than what he used to after consuming that fruit. his presence was different that what he was before, it felt like it wasn't just him inside that body. it was like he was looming over me. . ." she trailed as she explains what happened.

your brows knitted, glaring at nothing. what is he doing there. what does he plan to do.

"he. . . he wanted me dead-"

"are you alright? it's good that you manage to escape him." you cut her off, taking a deep breath to control you thoughts as kurose kept quiet listening to the conversation.

"i did manage to excape, but the power of the yami yami no mi is no joke. it wa like sucking the life out of me, it's scary just thinking about it." blinking a couple of times, processing what she just told you. 

you signaled kurose to finally take the salmon pink haired female to the medic clinic. after they entered the mansion, you sat back down, feeling drained. that man is giving you a headache, everything he does, he is a real manace. no one is safe around him, maybe not even himself.

i feel like my chapters aren'tmaking sense these days TT

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i feel like my chapters aren't
making sense these days TT

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