023 ▍restaurant catastrophe

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— sand's fear of water

— sand's fear of water

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FINALLY LAND! moonlight island on sight, and here you are walking on the streets, bustling streets filled with different types of stalls and people with varying ages. 

"how much is . . . ."

"can i have three for . . . ."

all kinds of noises, and they don't annoy you one bit.

ding ding ding

the center bell rang, the bell that notifies the island on the crew's return on land. all head turned to the entrance, and welcoming voices reached your ears. "everyone, welcome back!" "we're glad you're back, safe and sound."

you stopped walking when a young girl probably at the age of six, blocked your way. her head facing the ground, her hands on her back, unfortunately her small frame isn't enough to hide the flowers peaking behind her. you kneeled to her level and patted her head. "hello, what do you have there?" the child squirmed shyly, lightly shoving a flower towards you. "oOf."

"for you," she cutely spoke and ran back to her mom, hiding on the older lady's skirt. you smiled and mouthed a thank you to them. 

ace was on a search for blackbeard but as it progressed he saw luffy's poster and decided to fine the boy as well. he is now on  a search for his little brother, bringing up his little brother's poster when he can to every people he meets. 

as the young pirate was asking the restaurant's owner about luffy, a certai marine named smoker entered. a marine on a hunt for the strawhatted teen, a bit too much you know, hunting him down till the grandline — sideyes. 

"i guess you don't have a problem with eating in public." he says as he entere the restaurant doors. "now what does the commander of the whitebeard pirate's second division want in this country? well, portgas d. ace?"

and as everyone expected, the crowd is shocked, "w. . . whitebeard? ! ! one of the whitebeard pirates. . . ? ! !"

"i knew i'd seen that mark on his back before!"

"why is he here. . . ? ! !"

"so? what should i do. . . ?" ace asked, still sitting on the counter stool, legs crossed. "sit tight and let me arrest you." responded smoker.

"rejected. sorry no can do." ace says nonchalantly with  smirk.

speaking of luffy, he is now running, running to a restaurant. the reason? he's hungry. "what's that weird smell getting in the way?" proceeding to sniff vigorously as he ran. "there! ! that's a restaurant! ! !"

smoker and ace continue to exchange sentences when luffy forcefully entered the restaurant, creating a whole through the place in the process. "wooohoooooo ! ! ! a restaurant! ! ! i'm starving ! ! !" the teen cheered. luffy demanded for food, whilst a confused ace emerged from the rubble and apolized to the other customers for distrupting their meal.

both of the older males stared in shock as they recognized the boy who sat in the counter, eating his food. "hey ! ! lu. . .-" "strawhat ! ! !"

"so you're here, too. . ." smokers spoke, as if he didn;t faceplanted ace to the ground. "stop eating already! ! !" the marine is lucky enough that luffy remember his introduction back in loguetown.

with a full mouth he practically yelled, "bo bah bobee by! ! !" (you're that smokey guy! !) "ba buh beh buh boo boobeh beeah? ! !" (what the heck are you doing here? !).

"you digusting little . . . ! ! !"

"beeeeeeh bo ba booooooo ! ! !" (thaaaanks for the food).

"crap! wait, luffy ! ! ! it's me ! ! !"

cue the cat and mouse chase. 

the three— four rather because tashigi joined in on the chase we're running around nanohana. the rest of the strawhats stayed in an abandoned—rubble, place??? the girls tried out the outfits they bought to blend in with the crowd.

"i hate to complain, when you asked us to wear these but. . . sanji-san these makes us look more like dancers than normal citizens." vivi awkwardly stated. ah of course, sanji bought them, quite revealing clothes. "that's okay! dancers are citizens! ! it's okay as long as they don't find out you ladies are a princess and a pirate, right?" he certainly is enjoying these as he awed with heart on his eyes.

"but walking through the desert will be a little. . ." the princess tried to reason with the male but it just won't work on him. "if you get tired, i'll carry you! haha . . ."

sanji turned to the other males, two who are eating, one is suffering from the perfume and the other is quack.

"even if you guys are camoflaged not to look like pirates. . . compared to the girls, you still look like bandits!" zoro crumbled at blondes words, "how are you any different?"

usopp finally noticed chopper laying on his back, covering his nose, "huh? whatcha doin', chopper?"


"my nose is going to fall off." the reindeer replied, almost crying. "your nose must be sensitive, tony-kun. nanohana is famous for its perfume." vivi stated, "perfume?" he questioned already crying as nami sprayed some more perfume on her before zoro noticed that marines were al over the place.

"welcome back cap!" the crew sniper who don't really use his bow greeted you from the double doors of the main house. "it felt like forever since your gone~"

"hello, apsel. it's nice to see you again as well. " greeting him back then straight inside. the male only smiled and walked after you with the other on the back as well. "the others are already here, i think we are all here. "

"that's good then, we can laugh about  the upcoming newscoo this morning."


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second semester starts tomorrow and i am so not ready to suffer again : D

anyhow how is everyone?^^

i try to insert mc in so many ways,
it's so hard to insert since
i don't know what scenario to add TvT

planning on doing another fanfic
but like the audacity of me starting another fanfic when i can't even update two spontaneously *cries

ok bye luvlots.

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