021 ▍not so little garden

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- sand's fear of water

the strawhats have arrived at the where their logpose are pointing at, their second island on grand line

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the strawhats have arrived at the where their logpose are pointing at, their second island on grand line. this island very one of a kind as a normal person would say. worriedly, the princess stated that they must be careful because of the information miss all sunday gave them. the captain on the other hand is very excited for the adventure ahead of them.

the island, little garden, is a bit extraodinary-not like the whole grand line isn't extraordinary enough, they are not even half the ocean. nothing much is known regarding the island itself, but it is expectant that something out of the ordinary is inhabiting the island.

meanwhile on sabaody archipelago, kurose was surrounded by marines who are on their guard as the platinum haired only sat quietly on another bar somewhere on the archipelago. not that he was lost, he just knew that he will the first one that the marines would find so he tend to stray far away from the crew.

"you're surrounded, erebus kurose. there are more than a hundred marines here, don't think you have any chance." all eyes turning to him as his name was mentioned. who wouldn't be surprise and scared as a notorious pirate just sitting on a bar drinking wine nonchalantly. people started to quietly walk away from the scene, mostly those who were scared but there were still some who kept sitting down watching all of the action about to happen before them.

"you all never learn your lesson, do you?" kurose sighed, taking another sip from his drink. he unsheathed his blade.

all the people left inside the bar was confuse, he suddenly dissapeared. where did he go? they all asked themseleved including the marines. then there he was, just behind the captain of the marines who spoke earlier. "you're marines, aren't you. please don't make such a ruckus next time, you're disturbing the visitors." proceeding to hit the back of the captains head with the hilt of his sword. kurose clicked his tongue, "you can't even go against me." he turned towards the rest of the marines who had their guns pointed at him, "if i were you all, i would leave immediately. . ." he didn't get to finish his sentence when they all scrambled to their feet running out of the bar.

placing his sword back to its sheath he went back to his original sit, and unproblematicly ordered another glass.

the strawhats have already split up in the island, leaving nami and ussop on the ship as the rest tried to explore the island around them as a past time as they wait for their log pose to record the island's magnetic field. luffy and vivi encountered dinosaurs, resulting to luffy being luffy road on one's neck.

as nami and ussop sat on the ships deck, nami remembered reading about little garden so she went to check their book shelf. "where did i put it. . . shoot, i can't remember! i know i read it pretty recently. . ." she huffed as she rummaged through the books.

"ussop! ussop!"

"what, did you find the book?" asked ussop.

"we're in trouble! on this island. . ." she didn't get to finished what she was suppose to say as a giant shadow came through the trees infront of merry.


to its inhabitant, this island is like a little garden.
an island of giants, "little garden."
that is what i have decided to name this island.

its been a few hours since you all landed on the archipelago, ume and azure has came back to the bar with bubbles that carry everything that they bought. the two now playing some tunes resulting to a few costumers entering the bar. the two are at their best when it comes to music after all. ume was dancing while azure was the one playing his lyre. shakky was happy at this, more money for her.

rayleigh was still on the counter sitting, having his- probably tenth bottle of wine. to think that he's still not drunk, his tolerance is very high as you might guess.

theo was in the kitchen cooking up what's left in shakky's fridge for everyone's dinner. a few minutes ago he actually went back to the ship to get some of the lacking ingredients as well buy some more stocks for shakky's poor fridge. isn't he sweet.

luca was there at a corner reading some books, a pen in hand and a notebook on the table infront of here. beside her is your salmon haired journalist, mavis, who has been writing nonstop since earlier. you actually have no idea what she's writing, usually she writes on the logbook, to update your trips but now you noticed she's writing on a different book.

the vice captain, kurose, still haven't come back though, he's not really someone who will lost his way. the sun was starting to set and he still isn't back. suspicious. ah speak of the devil and he will appear. there he is, openning the door and quietly making his way beside you.

"where have you been?" you asked.

"some marines went and tried to ambush me on a bar then when i was walking back here. needed to find a way to loss them." he answered sighing deeply, asking shakky for a glass of cold cold water.

your chuckled faintly, "of course."

"well, three days is gonna be a while, might as well enjoy ourselves right?"

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hii, im alive yes.
been rewatching the harry potter series and along with other movies.
school will start in 10 days omg im gonna cry,,
right, how are you guys?

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