018 ▍the dejected king

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king of the desert

— king of the desert

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THE HEAT of the afternoon sun could almost burn the skin of many, fortunately you and the rest are used to it.

before leaving the country, you planned to visit the palace and speak to the king if there is still time. after you all left rainbase and locating where your journalist went you then travelled straight to alubarna, where the palace is located, via ume's devil fruit.

been hearing the words where is the princess all around the corners of the country. did their princess got kidnapped or left the island? better ask the king about that later. you also heard about the rebel army that is growing in numbers in alabasta, those who wanted to threw off the king from his thrown to give the suffering citizens of alabasta kingdom.

not that you blamed them for rebelling for the sake of those who are suffering due to someone's actions.

“we'll be reaching alubarna in a few minutes. are you right, [name]-san?” asked theo, you nodded making him hand you a bottle of water. thanking him before taking a drink of the fresh water.

“are you going to check the poneglyphs again?” your journalist asked.

shaking your head you went back to looking at the map. taking note of the towns that have been destroyed by crocodile. “i've already read it many times, too many times that i can recite it to you for more than five times.”

kurose chuckled causing him to spit the water he's drinking, “i almost choke.”

“ooh, kinky ehe-”

“shut up, azure!”

chaka the jackal, one of the two head guards, walked into the throne room of the palace where the king is currently sitting. next to him is the second head guard, pell the falcon.

as they entered the large room, they were greeted by the king who restlessly sat on his throne worried for his daughter since he has not recieve any report.

“your majesty.” blinking his thoughts away, turning to pell and asked, “yes?”

“you have a visitor.” continued chaka.

the king hummed, “and who might that be.”

"miss [name]." on cue the large two large doors of the room opened, revealing an angry azure, “water! give me water!” next came in kurose yelling, “azure! don't just come in the throne room then go shouting for water! that's disrespectful to the king!”

azure, who was still very angry yelled back, “you're also yelling, so shut up!!”

sighing as you stepped in between the two, “please this nonsense you two, we are here for a visit and not to cause any trouble.” looking towards pell, with lowkey pleading eyes, “pell, can i ask you to give azure a glass, give ume one too.”

the said male quickly nodded then left to get the glass of water, he will be bringing an extra.

“did not expect you to visit [name].“ you looked up to cobra, partially bowing your head. one may be a pirate but one must never forget to give respect to those who deserve it. “just checking the kingdom real quick. a lot has change since the last time i visited here.”

the king made a dejected sigh, “there is nothing i could do but wait for vivi. she is this country's last hope.”

you hummed, “any news from her?” cobra only shook his head, answering you a no. “i see, i'll try if i could sneak any news of her being seen.”

“you have my thanks.”

ok, this is really really really short

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ok, this is really really really short.
i apologize deeply-
think of it as a filler chapter,,, i really don't know what to add here soo yeah

i just wanna express my gratitude to those who still reads this, and i also apologize for not updating this (including my other book)
i do hope (HOPING) that i will be more productive to update my books.

have a nice day/night everyone!<3


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