013 ▍twin capes, we go

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at last, grand line

— at last, grand line

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THE CREW set the route to the twin capes, the bottom of the red line to pick up a blonde haired chef.

you walked out of your quarters and navigated your way on the ship, going to where the library is. entering the library, you were greeted by a number of book-filled shelves. waltzing up to the end corner of the large room, a shelve full of eternal poses came into view.

water 7, kuragaina island, dressrosa. . . . alabasta! opening the glass that is protecting the poses, you immediately grabbed the eternal pose to the sandy island then locking it close.

stepping out of the library, you walked to where the navigator, lucaria, stood. "captain?" acknowledging your presence.

nodding with a small smile, you then held the eternal pose to her. she gives you a questioning look as she took the eternal pose from your hands, "alabasta? why are we heading to alabasta next?" she asked, setting the pose on top of the barrel beside her, making sure it wont fall.

as you were about to answer, the ever so cheerful male musician came clinging on your back (almost making you fall) "alabasta kingdom?! what're we going to do there? hmm? hmm?? are we gonna drink there??"

there came the first mate who has his brows knitted, "alabasta?!"

smiling a lopsided one, "i'm going to visit him. i have a feeling he'll be under impel down not more than a week from now." yanking the darned musician off your back, smirking as you walked towards the figurehead.

kurose sighed, "you and that creepy ability."

"it's not creepy, it's a gift!"

"[name], you're worried about him, aren't you?" kurose asked out of the blue as he stood beside you, also staring at the vast sea.

"of course, he's a reckless one. . . just like his father."

after a good sleep, theo finally woke up. stretching his limbs as he sat up from resting his head flat on the table. to think not one from the crew woke him up, though is hasn't been more then a few minutes. he heard screams earlier along with a cry of a whale, he's kinda worried something happened to the five.

raising a brow, seeing the helm of the ship was broken. as he walked outside, he was greeted by a bright sky on a sunny day along with a islan with a house on it. the crew stood before the railing without their captain.

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