028 ▍another visitor in pink

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- who is theo?

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PLANNING THE best route to use when travelling to water seven with a broken ship in tow, with some thinking, you already know the ship is broken as is. a ship with a broken bow is straight up cannot be fixed anymore. the first ship of the fleet is now broken, and it's not even because of a fight, it broke because it fell from around 10,000 meters above sea.

not forgetting to call the temporary captain of the voyage to skypiea, mavis, who of course apologized for the wreck of the ship and also informed that she will back in a few days as she still has matters to attend to at jaya. it made you confuse but didn't question any further.

you walked across the room to find where the original blueprints of the death star was, hoping it might aid to the making of the new ship. just as you were rumaging through the documents you hear three taps from the glass doors that opens to the balcony of room. you already know who it is, with a sigh, you turn around with a smirk.

"well hello, doflamingo."

donquixote doflamingo, another dangerous pirate, a warlord with a lot of hidden intentions. his smirk challenging your own, he welcomed himself in by opening the glass doors and walking inside the room, making his way to the couch and proceeds to feel at home. "hello, doll. it's been a while isn't it."

you only smiled at him, taking a tray of two fancy glasses and of course a bottle of a very expensive wine brand. setting it down the stray on the center table and sitting across the tall man who barely even fit the normal sized couch. "it has, so what made you visit?" pouring him and yourself some wine to which he accepted fast.

"of course, i wanted to see you and your pretty face." he replies chuckling to himself as he takes a sip from his wine glass. you kept quiet, starring at him waiting for him to give you a real answer.

"okay fine, but don't get me wrong, i really did want to see you. heard crocodile finally got himself locked down in impel down." he says laughing out loud. after a few seconds, he stopped laughing and set down his glass.

you hummed in confusion when he did, even more confuse when he raised his hands, suddenly you feel you own body being trapped in his devil fruit. why'd you let yourself be trapped? you haki didn't really sense any malicious intent so you let him be, but still glared at him.

now you were being lift up and brought to sit on his lap. not trying to struggle, you swiftly took out your hairpin that currently ties your hair together, making it flow behind your back, "don't do anything stupid." you warned him with the tip of the hairpin facing his neck, a little closer and you could cut his head off if you wanted to.

you know this doflamingo is not a clone, so he will do his best to be a little more careful around you. he chuckled darkly once again and removed his devil fruit from your body, "of course not, doll."

calming down, you placed you were about to return you hairpin when he took it from you hands and took the liberty to tie your hair, this ain't the first time he tiedbyou hair, you think he really likes it. you were not trapped by his devil fruit, but, unfortunately, his arms are now around your body. "would you be angry if i said that i've missed you?" he states his smirk never fading.

his face now closer than ever to your own. "yes, yes i would." he laughed once again. does this guy ever stops laughing?"well thats too bad." you eyes widen, you haki activated, you tried to struggle from his hold that you didn't notice you hand and feet were once again tied uo by his devil fruit.

he's gonna do something stupid.

watching you struggle from his hold, he already knew that you know what he will be doing, he smirked.

"doflammingo-!" you were cut off by him grabing your chin. "it's fun watching you struggle doll," leaning toward you, yes he did something stupid. he sealed your lips with his. with you struggling even more.

this man had the audacity to do shit, but didn't ask for permission, don't be like doflamingo kids.

he stayed like that for a minute or two before you finally being able to lean away from him. "doflamingo! i told you to not do anything stupid!" he laughed once again, grabbing you check with one hand and gave you another peck. "i'm a pirate why should i do what you say."

you clicked you tongue, "whatever, let me go." and so he did.

"you're planning to voyage?" he asked, noticing that you were fiddling with your wrist where his strings were tied earlier, he took hold of your wrist. you tried taking it back but he was persistent so you let him be.

"yeah, we're heading to water seven in a few days." you replied to him, staring at your wrist being massaged by the warlord infront of you.

maybe his way of saying he's sorry? sadly donquixote doflamingo, never says he's sorry, his pride won't let him.

"then i can stay for a few days before you leave then?" he suggests, laughing for a thousandth time. "don't even think about that, you're leaving in a hour." his laugh turned into a scowl making you laugh, "messing with you is fun."

"shut up, doll. you owe me another kiss."

"no! leave me alone!"

"come back here!"

"come back here!"

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double update because you all deserve it<3

gear5 is just around the corner and im still a few episodes away from the latest TT.

jusy got myself enrolled for college haha might die /j

have a good night/day everyone!

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