004 ▍tearful farewell

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midnight snack

— midnight snack

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YOU STEPPED into the ship, but not before looking back at the island. the residents waved, hoping you and five— who wanted to come, will have a good trip and no disasters ahead of you six.

you waved back and smiled, “we'll take our leave,” with that the sails unfurled.

“where are we headin', cap?” the navigator asked adjusting the bow that ties her hair in a high ponytail.

you turned to her and grabbed the vivre card from your pockets. “we'll follow the vivre card, we're heading to where shanks is.”

seeing you softly glare at the moving paper, she chuckled slightly, “shanks-san's really causing you a lot of trouble indirectly.”

“it's his habit.”

“we dont want to be late than promised, ship hard to starboard!”

you stared at the horizon, hair catching the wind. smiling you walked towards the railing next to the figure head. the sound of the violin made you turned you head back to where it was heard.

this will be a interesting short-term voyage.

theo, on the other hand, sweatdropped as zeff and his cooks tried to persuade sanji to leave by telling him a soup he cooked tasted awful. sanji was, of course, angered by this and walked out. the blonde haired male chuckled softly, the blonde cook almost fell for their tricks, though he's sure that sanji heard what zeff said.

he smiled as he took a sip of the bowl of soup in his hands, it was delicious as hell.

luffy, being the luffy he is, did the most luffy-ist thing, he denied zeff's request to bring sanji into the grandline to find his dream, the all blue. this made all the cooks shriek in disbelief.

“what's the meaning of this? didnt you want a cook for your ship!? what, are you not satisfied with him?” zeff questioned.

“no, it's not like im dissatisfied or anything. i do want him to come along with me, but he said he wants to stay here and be a cook. so even if you tell me to take him with me, im not gonna.”

serim smirked. he does have a point.

so you won't accept unless he says it himself.” luffy replied with a yup, then asked more another bowl of soup.

not long after a ruckus was heard outside, making everyone check what the cause was. it ended up being yosaku— as luffy called him, who was inside a pandashark.

“what're you doing here alone? where are the others? and what about nami?” luffy bombarded the poor bounty hunter with questions.

yosaku was then brought inside, bundles in a blanket. “we couldn't catch up with sister nami but judging from the way she was headed. we're pretty we know where she's headed.” he answered luffy's questions earlier.

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