024 ▍a little visit

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— sand's fear of water

— sand's fear of water

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A DAY has passed since you and the crew arrived on the island, and just like what you expected the news coo flew over moonlight island carrying a new batch of newspapers. sets of printed papers were released from the claws of the news coo, the headline being crocodile being thrown into the depths of impel down just like what you told him few days ago. unfortunately, captain smoker and his partnew tashigi are the ones who were given the credit of bringing down the baroque works, crocodile's organization. 

sitting recklessly on the thin railings on the balcony, legs crossed, a copy of the newspaper in hand as you read through every detail written on it. chuckling to yourself because crocodile finally got his sandy ass kicked by someone younger and smaller by him, that's what he get for not listening to you years ago when you tried to stop him from his schemes. 

much to your disapointment not much were reported regarding the strawhats but that's alright, you knew right away he has the determination. but determination alone does not make someone stronger. there are still more challenges along his way, you acknowledge his presence but not yet his power. 

"there you are cap, food is almost ready," kurose says opening the glass doors as he steps out to the balcony, "i see that you finally got the news. when are you gonna be wrong with those little predictions of yours?" sighing you stepped down from the railings and handed him the newspaper, "like i said everyday and always, it's not just little predictions. what a person done in the dark will always be revealed in the light, it may take years or decades but the truth will always prevail. it's in my blood.

it's in my blood. a saying you always mention to the crew or everyone you meet in every voyage. he kept quiet as you walked out of the room, the sound of your heels fading with your every step far away from him. he's been with you for years, decades even, yet he does not understand what you mean by that qoute. 

if the truth comes to light. . . then why are you still  hiding something from me?. . . from us?

it was around 6 in the evening when an unknown, or so they thought, ship anchored at the port of the island. the villagers were confused as ships rarely stop by, but was left in shock when it was the moby dick. whitebeard stepped down from the latter of his massive ship, with his sons assisting him of course. he and some of his sons, walked through the streets of alpas city, greeting all the residents who greeted them as well, all welcoming smiles.

it took them more or less half an hour to reach the center of the island, the plateau, where the mansion, the main headquarters of the midnight pirates is stationed. all whitebeard could do is curse to himself as to why does his daughter have to make one hell of stairs just for him to see her. it is legitimately one hell of steps to climb, more over a hundred. 

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