009 ▍drunken habits

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where the journey begins

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TIME PASSED by fast, it was now night time. members from both crews kept drinking and chitchatting, music surrounded the surrounding as azure played his lure accompanied by vocals from ume along with some dance steps.

you sat beside shanks who is a cheerful kind of drunk person. it's been hours and he's still laughing. your five crew member scattered across the floor, drinking with shanks' officers.

“you've been quiet the whole time [name]. something wrong?” shanks asked leaning towards you as he handed you another alcohol filled cup.

you do drink, but only on occasions and this redhead can make any day an occassion for them to have a reason to drink. though you do drink sometimes probably a glass a day? you've lost count.

taking a sip of the drink before responding, “nothing serious, im just sleepy.” earning another obnoxious laugh from him.

“the night's still young! you only had two cups!” he urged recieving a groan from you.

the red headed pirate kept the smile on his lips and you took another sip. his cheeks already flushed due to drinking, he already knew he's going to have a hangover tomorrow.

shanks rarely see you, even rare on the newspaper since you're mostly chilling at your island territory. but he's happy that you'll still come to where he is with only one call.

he remembered the time when he and the blue haired clown forced you to drink only to receive a massive bumps on their heads.

“come on [name].”
“just one sip!”
taking a deep breath, puffing your cheeks. you straightened your fingers then chopped their heads hard.
“i am not drinking that, you hear!?”

he internally chuckled not knowing he chuckled loudly making you turn to him with one brow raised. then giving you a close eyed smile whole shaking his head.

“what are you laughing at?” you snarled at him causing him to raise his arm in defense.

“nothing! nothing at all. . .” already sweating bullets.

getting a good look at you, he saw your asymmetrical earrings (fishhook), the sun on the right while the crescent moon on the left. well, aren't you lovely.

just then kurose's laughter roared om the area, knowing he's laughing at you, you turned to him with a glare.

“it may not seem like it, but the captain's happy to see you shanks-san!” he declared still laughing out loud earning few laughs from the others.

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