006 ▍heathen

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— a wish for freedom

— a wish for freedom

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A WIDE grin greeted you. blinking once, twice, trice then rubbed your eyes to see if this was a dream or reality. you see his lips moving, he's talking yet you cant hear anything. seconds later he ruffled your hair softly. you felt like a child with his large hand rubbing your head.

his affectionate grin that could always give you comfort.

blinking your eyes, you realized, you feel asleep with your head flat on the desk. rubbing the sleep off you eyes, you sat up.

hearing a knock on the door, you muttered enter. then the door opened revealing kurose.

“you fell asleep?” nodding your head

“is something the matter?” you asked.

he shook his head, “lunch's almost ready,” he informed with a small smile on his features.

you hummed,“oh, you let your hair down.” you smiled, its rare to see him with his hair down.

this made him run a hand through his platinum blonde hair, “yeah, it hurts my scalp sometimes.”

“that's because you tie it too tight sometimes. let me tie if for you, yeah?” he chuckled sheepishly, scratching his head. “sure”

“it suits you either way.”

the first mate scoffed. “you. you never fail to say silly things, captain. lets go to the kitchen and eat before the four of them finish it all.” with that he hurriedly left and shut the door closed.

he's really not used to compliments even though its been more than fifteen years that we know each other.

theo stared unfazed of the sea cow looming over their ship and kept eating the spicy chicken sanji cooked, knowing the sea cow was attracted to the food that was served, he hurriedly ate. what? he's hungry.

a cow! it's soooo big!luffy exclaimed.

“a cow? and it swims? isn't that just a . . . hippo?” sanji commented.

“what's a creature like this doing in east blue! its inconceivable!” yosaku shrieked.

chewing his food nonchalantly, theo tried his best to calm the boy, “you need to calm down, yosaku.”

“how can i calm down?! that's a grand line monster!” the said monster was now sniffing the food, poor cow, he must've been hungry.

“it must want the food!” the bounty hunter pointed at the dishes, earning a what from luffy, “hurry up and just give the foor before he overturns the boat”

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