007 ▍the victor stands proud

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— a wish for freedom

— a wish for freedom

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THE DARK blue haired helmsman, who is also one of the two musicians of the ship, groaned as he jump back to the decks of your ship. disappointed of what he just hauled from the pirate crew that you came across with.

whilst kurose was somehow irritated as he was the one who is carrying the barrels of alcoholic drinks the musician wanted to take. “and why am i the one who's carrying these?”

azure, the musician slash helmsman, looked back at him with a hand on his chest, offended, “what? my precious hands are only for carrying and playing instruments.” the female musician on the other hands, chuckled on the background.

kurose just scoffed at him and hurriedly went to the ship's storage room.

you giggled at their actions. after you all ate lunch the random ship came to clear view so they used the opportunity to attack— and stole what's valuable. they're only six people on the ship yet it's very lively thanks to the musician and the helmsman.

you haven't contacted serim to tell him you left the island and decided to just call him later tonight. without the cook with you, kurose took the chance to cook lunch and maybe even dinner later (for a swordsman, he's a good cook).

looking over to the two musicians who has been checking all the haul, albeit still disappointed.

“stop sighing already!” the navigator scolded.

“but i was expecting them to have at least a few golden accessories. . .” says ume as azure only pouted.

“they we're poor as heck. . .” grumbled the helmsman.

“dont worry ume, azure maybe the next ship we spot would be a little rich this time.” the journalist tried to comfort her.

both musicians only cursed and cried crocodile tears,“that's it, we're going broke.” making everyone on the deck sweatdropped.

ume has been traveling with azure now she caught the male's love for accesories and drinks.

kurose, who just went into the upper decks, sighed. he must've heard ume and azure's cries of despair, and ain't pleased with it that's why he ended of climbing the crow's nest.

few moments later the whole ship was at peace, a chuckle here and there and the sound of the ocean waves. ume and azure ended up playing cards, betting their moneys. the navigator, temporarily sterring the wheel. the female journalist and kurose were nowhere to be seen on the upper deck. and you, who sat at the top of the figurehead, legs cross, elbow settled on your knee as you rest your check on your palm.

it's gonna be a long three days, you thought. staring at the blue sea and the flying seagulls.

flying seagulls, free birds. . . wait, aren't you already free? someone set you free, you're moving on your own accord, no one's ruling over you.

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